Beit Yahuwah: Journal of the Charismatic Church

This Journal aims to increase the prostration to and service of Yahuwah, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit in all the earth, to bring glory to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through the encouragement here contained the Church may rise up to her calling to govern and judge the world in Christ Jesus.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Mysteries of the Kingdom of God

The Mysteries of the Kingdom of God. Some thoughts from August 2000.
The level of the Holy Spirit which the Charismatic Church walks in through the operation of the gifts of the Spirit, it the level which the whole Jewish community of Israel will walk in when they finally admit Yeshua is the Messiah.
The closest Jewish community to this level at present, excluding the Messianic Jews, as far as I can see, are those who follow the teaching of Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav. Rabbi Nachman teachings seek to enable people of all levels to come close to got. Not just in religious form but in relation with God through secret prayer. This secret prayer consists of the outpouring of the soul to God for at least an hour a day. Rabbi Nachman teaches that when one is insulted he should bear it and not respond.
All Jewish community who have not yet appointed Yeshua as their Messiah will have to go through an immersion in the name of Mashiach Yeshua and a circumcision not made with human hands. This is the putting off of the sinful nation Yetzer hirah and the putting on of the New man in Mashiach.
Orthodox Jews need to repent of rebellion towards God’s Mashiach, wrong, ungodly and disrepectful towards other nations who are not idolators but upholders of the true revelation of the nature of God in the Tanakh. The word Notzrim, is the Hebrew equivalent of Christian. We are not to be ashamed of the Name Christian but rather to sanctify it for the scripture says "if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not feel ashamed but in that name let him glorify God." So our works are to so shine before men that they will see them and glorify out father in heaven. The word Notzrim means a watchman or a guardian. One hebrew teacher said a Notzrim is a guardian of the word of God.
Jeremiah prophesies about Notzrim or Christians, in regard to the final redemption. He prophesies Notzrim by name saying "For there shall be a day when Notrim on the hills of Ephraim shall call out, "Arise let us go up to Zion to Yahwah our God" For thus says Yahwah "Sing aloud with gladness for Jacob, And shout among the heads of the goim. Proclaim give praise and say "O Yahwah save thy people, the remnant of Israel" Behold I am bringing them from the north countryand I will gather them from the remote parts of the earth. Prophetically this points to Christians and historically this has and is happening all around the earth today.
The Saving referred to in (5) is the aliyah back to Israel on the basic level. It also includes salvation through the gospel.
The Orthodox Jews have to repent for not being a light to the nations.
The return or repentance of all Jews will include the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the speaking with other tongues. Rabbi Nachman said no new teaching will be brought into the world until Mashiach comes. He died in 1810 and said his light will burn until Mashiach comes. The Mashiach he is expecting will be the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is on the deepest level of revelation of the Torah as the Jews understand it. They teach that the Torah can be understood on four levels called Pardes. The gift of tongues and the Spirit of wisdom and understanding operate at the level of the secrets of the Torah. We understand actually the mysteries or secrets of the Kingdom of God for this has been granted to the Church.
There will be a massive revival in the Church bringing it back to its Jewish roots. This revival will take place primarily in the Charismatic Churches who move in the prophetic. Hence the Gentilised Church will return to is Israelite roots and the rebellious Jewish orthodoxy will stop fighting the plan of Yahwah and align with it.
What at present takes a Jews years to study out will come by the revelations of the Holy Spirit in minutes. They will be astonished.
The gift of Tongues is given to the church for the purpose of speaking the mysteries of Mashiach and as a sign to the Jewish community of the reality of the Mashiach Yeshua. Tongues are for a sign.
The prophet has six roles: To pluck up, and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant. Tongues are Gods word in the mouth of the Church. Every time we pray and speak in tongues, aware or unaware we are about the prophetic business of the father.
We need to pray daily for the Spirit of Yahwah, of Wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, knowledge and the fear of Yahwah. When we pray of them God begins to grant them to the Church.
From a dream I learned that the words we speak cause various spirits to come into us and cause us to act in certain ways. If we want to be filled with the Holy Spirit then we should be "Speaking to one another in Psalms, Hymns (of thanks giving) and spiritual songs (these are songs in tongues and can just be melodies) singing and making melody with your heart to Yahwah; always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Yeshua Mashiach to God the Father.
As Rabbi Nachman says It is a great Mitzvah to be happy. He also taught that the greatest weapon of Mashiach is prayer. And we know already that what is new in Judaism through Rabbi Nachman is as old as Abraham and was taught perfectly by Mashiach Yeshua 1970 years ago.
When we are filled with the Holy Spirit and worshipping in the Spirit we will often find that the Spirit will do prophetic actions through our bodies. Our understanding can be helped if we begin to understand the composition and clothing of the spiritual body. A basic help will be if we understand that out head is cover with Salvation. Our left hand has in it the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of the Lord. We need to understand that our tongues and our left hand are linked in the spirit. By Speaking the word of the Lord we released the hand of God to act. The scripture says the arm of Yahwah is not too short to save. Well with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. When we need deliverance of salvation we can confess Yeshua is Lord under the oppressing spirit understands us and then they will have to leave. We can bind in his name and this will need to help from above. The right hand contains the shield of faith or faithfulness. If we are faithful and stable in confessing the word of Yahwah it will deliver. Our Chest which covers the heart and lungs are covered by righteousness. Our waist and loins by the belt of truth. And our feet the sandlas of the gospel of peace. When we do prophetic actions in prayer or worship understand what part of our body the spirit is using.
The Scriptures says with outstretched arm a high hand Yahwah delivered Israel. Note Yeshua’s arms were outstretched on the cross. His hands were peirced for our trangressions. So in the Spiritual body of Mashiach, the left hand of the word of Yahwah has a whole in it. That whole means we are forgiven of our transgressions. That hand can be seen as having a light coming out of it because his word is a lamp to out feet and a light to our path.
If we want the gift of the interpretation of a tougue, the language of spirit spoken or a dream the language of spirit in pictures we need to pray for it until Yahwah gives us it
In tongues, dreams and visions we see or speak the word of God in a mystery. If we write down and consider the dreams and pray for interpretations we get tools to helps us be a apart of the building up of the church. So these can be cement or nails etc.
With consideration and reflection on dreams or interpreted tongues we receive a revelation, some knowledge, a prophecy or a teaching. These apply just as much to dreams as for tongues since they are both the language of the Holy Spirit.
We need to get out mind out of the realm of the physical and into the realm of the spirit. What is a spiritual building in our dreams? What is the spiritual person in our dreams?


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