Beit Yahuwah: Journal of the Charismatic Church

This Journal aims to increase the prostration to and service of Yahuwah, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit in all the earth, to bring glory to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through the encouragement here contained the Church may rise up to her calling to govern and judge the world in Christ Jesus.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Heir to the Nations

We believe that Yeshua the Mashiach is the Son of the living God, heir to the nations and rightful possessor of the earth and the heavens, King of the Kingdom of the Elohim Amen. (NYSA)
(To receive the promises in this message you need to BELIEVE them in your heart and SPEAK them with your mouth.)
This message is written so that you may believe in Yeshua the Mashiach the Son of the living God and so receive eternal life in his name.
Adonai Yahwah (God of truth) requires all mankind to grow in their knowledge of Him. There are three simple stages in this process. To experience them you have to be trusting as a child, your intellect will not win this day.
(1) Positive commandment (mitzvah) 1 in the name of Mashiach: Repentance, Return or Tshuvah unto the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, The Lord Yahwah.
Return or repentance is a real blessing granted to Jew and non Jew by God. As Rav Kook says of one who returns "The spirit of holiness reverberates around him like a bell and he is informed that all of his trangressions are effaced, those known to him as well as those of which he is unaware, for he is created anew as a new creature" We preach repentance in the name of Mashiach and "therefore if any man be in Mashiach there is a new creature, the old things have passed away behold all things have become new" we are privileged in the Mashiach to start all over again even as a little child.
All men and women everywhere are now commanded and granted permission by Yahwah (God of Truth) to return to him. If they refuse and drop dead, they will not enter the Kingdom of God, the world to come, Jew or Gentile.
(a) This return means you will begin today, to Love Yahwah, God of truth, with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.
For example we will no longer live for ourselves but we will begin to lean on and trust in Yeshua the Nazarene, the Beloved son of the God of truth, for every aspect of our lives. We will completely give our lives over to Yeshua, Yahwah’s Mashiach,Son of God and by his power we will become sons of God.
(a1)One prophet prophesied this event saying "Where it is said to them "You are not my people (God being speaker) it will be said to them "Sons of the living God". This is fulfilled today in the Tzaddik Yeshua the Nazarene, in that it is written "To those who received him he gave them the power to becomes Sons of God" that is becoming children born by God’s Spirit. The Kingdom of heaven will take over the whole earth, it is spiritual so to see it or enter it you have to be born, not just of flesh but of the Holy Spirit. No one who does not reach the level of Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, will inherit a portion of the world to come.
(a2)A saint also spoke of this work in the soul of mankind saying "I have been crucified with Mashiach, I live no longer I, but Mashiach lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me". This is the confession of every true holy one, made holy by the Spirit of God and made righteous by believing on the name of the Mashiach, Yahwah Yeshua.
(a3) When we return to Yahwah (God), Mashiach will come and live in our hearts by us having faith (emunah) in his teaching and receiving his Spirit (by praying for it) to enable us to grow in his love. This process is called being made holy and starts with the spiritual milah (circumcision) of the heart, ears and eyes. This is the circumcision of the Kingdom of Heaven. If this does not take place we will never be joined to the people of the Kingdom of Heaven, the "Am Yeshua" who are filling the earth and the heavens more and more every day.
"If you love me" says the Mashiach, you will keep my mitzvoth (commandments). And Yahwah says in the covenant of Horeb that he is "Showing Chesed (loving kindness) to thousands (of generations) who love me and keep my mitzvoth (commandments).
Of the milah (circumcision) of the Kingdom it is written "Yahwah your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your seed to love Yahwah your God with all your heart and with all your soul in order that you may live" (Due 30). If we refuse this gift of milah we will not enter the Spiritual Kingdom of God.
We note that this is not a milah made with hands in the physical body. This is a circumcision made by Yahwah on the heart of the people who have been gathered from the ends of the earth and are described as outcasts. The 2 step process is firstly the ingathering to the Land of Israel followed by a returning to God, by the Holy Spirit. In Israel, secular and Orthodox Israelites, are gathered in but all need the heart circumcision performed by the greatest Mohel, Yahwah. This circumcision is for males and females.
(a4) The life style followed after this milah will mean:
*We will always as a first priority seek first the Kingdom of God his justice and righteousness. These two characterise the expression of the love of God since they are the foundation of his throne. In Mashiach we become the righteousness of God. Righteousness is to believe the promises of the word of God and to obey the instructions of the word of God (including Tanakh and the New Covenant revelation of the Kingdom of God).
Since the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, we will always be rejoicing, always praying and always thankful for everything in the name of Yahwah Yeshua Mashiach. (NC1)
We will think on things which are above in heaven "whatever is true, whatever is honourable, what ever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is loveable and gracious, whatever is of good reputation, if there is any excellence, and if anything worthy of praise" we will let out mind dwell on these things. (NC1/2)
*We will bow to and serve no image of anything in heaven above, on the earth beneath or under the earth, physically or in our Spirit. This includes such things as money, fame, man made honour, women or men. (NC1/2)
*We will not import hindu meditation methods, invented by demons, and dress them up in garments of Judaism, forgetting their origin, and teach them to the unwary and searching. All such methods do not originate in truth but deception and must be left behind in favour of prayer from the Spirit of God. (NC1/2)
* Speaking peace with the mouth and having hatred in the heart is not acceptable. "He who hates disguises it with his lips. But he lays up deceit in his inward part. When he speaks graciously do not believe him, for there are seven abominations in his heart. Though his hatred covers itself with guile." This is especially a problem in the land of Israel today. Of many Orthodox Jews against Gentiles and Palestinian leaders against Israeli’s. Such practices will bar a person from entry to the Kingdom of God, if they refuse to return to Yahwah (God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ) God of truth, God who is love. (NC3/6)
*We will not deny God’s son and make God out to be a liar. To deny that Yeshua is revealed as God’s Beloved Son is to follow a lie. Such who follow the lie will not enter the Kingdom of the Son of his love, if they are made aware of it and refuse to listen, for Israel it is a mitzvah to believe in the Mashiach. (NC9)
*We will listen to and trust in no medium or astrologer, charm, star signs (which originates in Babylon, or tarot card. Even if something they say comes to pass we know since there source of information is demons and not the Holy Spirit, it will ensnare the heart and allow demons entrance into the heart and the heart of the children. All occult phenomena and practices should be avoided and prayer to Yahwah for wisdom and understanding should take their place. (NC1/2
We will not add hindu teachings such as reincarnation, to the Tanakh. No where in the Torah is such an idea taught, therefore it is not the portion of the people of Yahwah. Again it is born of deception and leave one cold and outside the Kingdom of heaven.
We will not put Father or Mother, brother or sister, husband or wife, culture or religion or book before the truth revealed to us about God and his Son, by the Holy Spirit, in the Tanakh and the New Covenant writings. The Kingdom of God revealed in the New Covenant and prophesied in the Tanakh is above the level of the Aaronic priesthood. A high priest of Aaron was not even allowed to defile himself be burying his close relatives, how much more must one get his priorities right who is entering the Kingdom which knows no death.
We will not blaspheme God, the Father, the Son or the Holy Spirit. We will not use his name as a swear word.
We will not take Yahwah’s name in vain by joining the covenant and then going around blatantly breaking the covenant, by commiting adultery, stealing, murdering, coveting and bearing false witness. Bowing down to and Serving things like money, fame, or our own concepts of God, which are not the Creator. And making up concepts of God which are not revealed in scripture and which require us to twist the plain meaning of scripture out of all proper sense, just to fit the concepts we have been taught.
In all this Truth (EMET) takes a very high position as criteria. Once something is shown by the revelation of the scripture to be a lie or a deception we leave it behind by the power of truth we are freed from it.
We will boast only in the fact that we understand and know Yahwah that he works lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth for in these things he delights. We note it is not just among our people but on earth, which is where the Kingdom of God will rule.
Our heart will completely love God the Father…through his Son and by his Holy Spirit he will come and live in us and give us a guarantee of an inheritance in the world to come. We will become his temple, and we will seek his glory always in the name of his Son Yahwah Yeshua Mashiach.
(B) We will begin to love our neighbour as ourselves:
We will speak to one another in Psalms, hymns of thanksgiving and sing spirutual songs.
We will support one another in prayer and words of encouragement to continue to walk with Mashiach and to let his Spirit rule in our lives to God’s glory.
We will speak the truth to one another in love, avoiding all lieing, gossip, coarse joking, malicious comments and tale bearing.
We will not use the deceptive tongue where we speak peace but think hatred.
We will support those who are more needy than ourselves.
We will not judge harshly, for the Spiritual man can judge all things, but the Spirit is one of grace.
We will build one another up and plant good seeds of gracious words in the lives of those around us.
We will not judge the world (yet) because God will judge the outsiders. We will seek to receive justice from God, and we will not avenge our selves.
We will walk in forgiveness. We will not act in violence nor desire violence on another, rather we will pray that the evil one in them will be destroyed so that they too can enter the Kingdom of God.
We would seek peace and pursue it by seeking to do good and to keep our tongue from speaking evil.
We will pray for Yahwah to send messengers to the unbelieving world so that they too can have an opportunity of repentance unto life.
We will not seek to dominate but to serve in the way God leads us.
If we love our neighbous as our selves, we will not steal from them but seek to give to those in need. We will not commit adultery with their wives but seek to encourage them in having a good marriage. We will not lie to them but speak the truth in love. We will not use them for fornication but pray for them to receive the right marriage partner. We will not covet their possessions but seek to share ours with them. We will not gossip about them but pray for their best. We will not slander them but pray for God’s Spirit to be poured out so that we will all change.
We will love our enemies by feeding them if they are hungry, praying for them if they persecute us, so that they can repent and come to a knowledge of the truth.
We will seek to help all mankind grow in their love toward God the Father and Yahwah Yeshua Mashiach, by the Holy Spirit. This will bring great blessing on them and us. (Deu 28)
Incidentally these two commandments are impossible to keep in your own strength so God the Father in his grace (undeserved mercy or favour) will enable you to grow gradually to the place where you will keep them by His Holy Spirit. In the name of the Son he will do two things for us.
(2) God will Forgive and Remove our sins by his Grace in Mashiach Yeshua.
This means God will literally remove all the sins we have committed from the day we were born to the day we are born again and enter the New Covenent, by believing on Yeshua, Yahwah’s Mashiach, who is the New Covenant. You in turn will forgive all who have ever hurt you. You will die to these old attitudes in the cleansing waters of the hope (mikveh) of Yeshua. All your sins will be washed away because of his blood shed on the tree (cross). It is prophesied of the New Covenant "their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more" (Jer 31). And of the Mashiach it is written "I will also make you a light of the Goim so that my Yeshua (salvation) may be to the ends of the earth…Thus says Yahwah, the redeemer of Israel, its Holy One, to the despised One, to the One Abhored by the nation (of Israel)…I will keep you and give you as a COVENANT (brit) of the people (of Israel)."
As you can see there is only one who has been despised by the nation of Israel over history and become light of the Goim. This one is Yeshua and his people Am Yeshua. In this prophecy Yeshua is spoken to by Yahwah "You are my servant Israel (He will rule with El) in whom I will be glorified….in order that Israel (the nation) might be gathered to him (to Yahwah).
In establishing the New Covenant which you will now enter if you return, Yeshua said "This is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins"
By faith in the shed blood of Mashiach, we, Israel and the Goim, receive the forgiveness of sins.
We can ask the question, can the Goim join this covenant and the answer is given by the Prophet Isaiah "Preserve Justice and do righteousness for my Yeshua (salvation) is about to come, and my righteousness to be revealed (note this prophecy is years after the Torah is given but its speaks of a future righteousness). How blessed is the man who does this (Note it does not say Jew, so it applies to all mankind) and the son of man who takes hold of it. Who keeps from profaning the sabbath, and keeps his hand from doing any evil. Let not the foreigner (necar) who has joined himself (through covenant) to Yahwah say "Yahwah will surely separate from his people…the foreigners who join themselves to Yahwah, to (sharat) ministewr to him ,and to love the name of Yahwah, to be his servants, every one who keeps from profaning the sabbath (here it is clear goim are permitted to keep sabbath) and hold fast to my covenant, even those I will bring to my holy mountain and make then joyful in my house of prayer…for my house will be called a house of prayer for all peoples."
So it is clear this covenant is for Jew and Gentiles and brings Yeshua (salvation) to all. The believing community is one and in the end all will honor shabbat the way Yahwah wants it honoured.
The righteousness of God is for mankind not just for natural Israel. We have this in the true Church. This was Mashiach’s prayer in Gethsemane that the whole Mashianic community would be one as he and his Father are one.
Stage 3: God will give us the Holy Spirit. (The guarantee of eternal life).
When we ask God, by praying out loud, with our whole heart, he will give us his Holy Spirit. He will pour the love of God into our lives and cause the same character that is in Yeshua the Mashiach to be formed in us. This means the inside of us is completely recreated. We become NEWLY BORN.
In the same way that a gentile who became a proselyte to Judaism in the second temple period was considered to be like a newly born child (see Ency Judaica. Proselyte) so any one who wants to enter the Kingdom of God, Jew or Gentile, will become like a Newly Born Child.
(c)God’s Kingdom and Torah are Spirit, so is God. By being born again we can see and enter God’s kingdom and uphold the Torah God, in its true meaning, not according to the letter which is impossible, but according to its nature Spirit.
(d)We can love Yahwah in these redemption generations when Yahwah circumcises out heart. Says Yahwah "I will put my Spirit upon you and cause you to walk in my Chuqqim (statutes) and Mishpatim (judgements). Or again "I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, your sons and daughters will prophesy your old men dream dreams and your men see visions".
(e)The only community on earth exhibiting all these spiritual blessing at this present time on earth is the Spirit filled communities of believers in the Mashiach Yeshua. These taste the Mashianic age before it takes over completely.
(f)By being filled, led and taught by the Spirit we gain inheritance in God’s kingdom which will ultimately take over the earth completely. We will reign with Yeshua the Mashiach forever in a Melchizedek priesthood.
(g)We speak Shalom to the nations in his name and the weapons of our warfare are the weapons of the Sons of Zion. They include songs: prayer, praise, prophecy, preaching and Psalms powerfully proclaimed. "I will raise up your sons oh Zion against your sons oh Greece" (Zech) . Most of the education and government in this day are sons of the Greek intellectual systems. But Greece did not touch the music.
(h)The way of our peace and victory is the way shown by Hezekiah and Isaiah. Prayer and Song. Hezekiah prayed and Isaiah sung a prophecy. So it will be that the sons of Zion will overcome the sons of Greece through prayer, prophesy and praise.
(i)If you join the Mashianic community you join the sons of Zion. "For I will bend Judah as my Bow and I will fill the bow with Ephraim." This prophecy is fulfilled on a number of levels. Judah represented the southern Kingdom and Ephraim the northern Kingdom. Yeshua who was of Judah, a Son of David. Went to the north in Galilee and picked up his disciples up there in the north and trained them for the Spiritual battle. It was they who began the battle against the Sons of Javan or Greece. They were born as a community on Mount Zion in 30 AD and now have reached to every nation under heaven. They were sent forth by Yeshua of the tribe of Judah.
(j)A second way of reading this prophecy is in the meaning of the words. Judah means praise and Ephraim relates to fruitfulness. So God will take his bow of praise and fill it with fruitfulness. And we see this right at the birth of the church. When this daughter of Zion was born in 30 CE, they were born when God poured out the source of the Torah, the Holy Spirit on the community of 120 believers who were worshipping God in Zion. The Torah is Spirit and radiates Holiness and its source is the Holy Spirit of God who is also the means whereby we can obey the Torah according to its true meaning as a life giver. When these people went out into the streets people said what they heard. "We hear them in our own tongues speaking of the mighty deeds of God" (Acts) There were men from every nation under heaven there. And it is taught by the Rabbis that the Torah was revealed in seventy languages which is also the number of the nations at the time of the creation of the nations. So the disciples began to praise God supernaturally through the Holy Spirit. And so it is today among millions of followers of Yeshua around the world. On that same Shavout 30 AD, 3000 people believed the message and were born again into God’s Kingdom as sons and daughters of Zion. So the bow of praise became fruitful. Now if we count the number of Israel and Nations who have entered God’s kingdom since then we will find the number is so great it is like trying to count the stars of heaven. In fact the number doesn’t stand still. By the time you’ve finished counting, another few thousand will have been added. Not only that but the rate of fruitfulness increased. For we count the number of Shavuots from 30 CE to 2000 CE we have 1970. This multiplied by 3000 is 5,910,000. However the number of believers in the earth alone today is well over 591,000,000. That is that first Shavuot multiplied more than 100 times. So we see that praise has indeed become fruitful. This was all achieved by the Spirit. So the mitzvah for the believers is to ‘Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in Psalms, hymn and Spiritual songs making melody in your hearts to Yahwah". This is our main weapon against the intellectual and warmongering forces of Greece. We will sing our way to the peace of the Kingdom of God overcoming with the tongue (386) through Yeshua (386).
To be born again and filled with the Spirit, your key is humble, persistent, faithfilled prayer. As they say in one ministry you need to PUSH, Pray Until Something Happens.
You might pray the following
Holy Father of our Lord Yeshua, the Mashiach. Maker of the heavens, the earth, the sea and all that is in them. I believe that Yeshua the Mashiach is your son. The Son of the only true and living God.
I renounce Satan and all his works. I, by your grace, turn away from all sin and ask you for grace to live by the Spirit and by faith in your Word and for your Glory from now on.
I believe that Yeshua the Mashiach was crucified and died so that I a might be completely forgiven for all of my sins. And that I might come out from the curse written in the Torah which says "Cursed is the man who does not confirm all the words of this book of the Torah by doing it". I know the Torah is eternal so this curse still stands.
I admit that I have failed to do all the words and mitzvoth of the Torah and so need the forgiveness and release from this curse, by the fact that Yeshu Mashiach took the curse in himself at his crucifixion. As it was written in the Torah "Cursed is he who hangs on a tree" as Yeshua did.
I thank you heavenly Father for the forgiveness which came from this love of Yeshua.
I ask you for grace to be immersed in water, whether in a mikveh or a river or somewhere else to identify with his death and burial and to be immersed by faith into Mashiach. I understand that this means the death of my old sin life and the washing away of all my sins forever. As your word says "Their sins and there lawless deeds I will remember no more" and that you forgive "sin, iniquity transgression" and I understand that this is one way I can call on the name of Yahwah and be saved. I will by your grace, do this as soon as is practical.
I believe that Yeshua the Mashiach was raised from the dead on the third day and understand that this represents the new spiritual life that I am receiving by believing completely on Yeshua and his blood alone, not my own works, in order to receive eternal life and to be saved from sin and hell. As it is written "by his knowledge my righteous servant shall make many righteous".
I thank you that now I have a place in the resurrection of the righteous who receive an inheritance in the Kingdom of Mashiach and God.
I thank you that I am now forgiven of my sin and my spirit is now born again because I have believed the gospel, that is the good news about Yeshua and the coming of your Kingdom to take over the whole earth and to fill it with the knowledge of your glory. Even as Joseph had control over Egypt so Yeshua has control over heaven and earth.
I ask for grace, right now to leave this wicked and perverse generation and to join the community of Yeshua the Mashiach son of the living God. I ask for grace to find a local group of believers to help me grow in love, in rejoicing in thankfulness, in prayer and in my knowledge of your Mashiach, your Word and you, through the Spirit.
I ask you now to keep your promise in the Tanakh and the New Covenant and to immerse me with your Holy Spirit. Just as the believers were immersed on Shavuoth 30CE in Jerusalem or lead me to someone who can lay hands on me so that I can receive the Holy Spirit immersion. I also ask you to circumcise my heart by the Spirit as you promised in the Torah in Dvarim 30 "Yahwah your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your seed".
I ask you to do this so that I may cry from my heart with your other saints or children ABBA Father or Yeshua he is Lord. Thank you Heavenly Father that you always keep your word.
So I accept now that whatever happens I am being filled with your Holy Spirit. I bind break and destroy and plan scheme or work of the enemy which would seek to hinder your work in my life.
In the name and by the merit of Mashiach Yeshua. Amen.
Now the Spirit of truth,sonship, adoption,love, power, self control, wisdom, understanding, counsel might, knowledge and the fear of Yahwah, in short the Spirit of Mashiach and God will begin to lead you into all truth and teach you everything about Mashiach If you need to understand or know anything or if you need anything you pray and ask God, your Father about it. Your life from now is always rejoicing, thankfulness and thanksgiving for everything and ceaseless prayer and praise. Through this God will begin to change you character, by his grace, to be like Mashiach. Here is a daily prayer which will help.
"Heavenly Father, your will be done in my life today. May I go where you want me to go, see what you want me to see, hear what you want me to hear, speak what you want me to speak. Love as you want me to love, live as you want me to live and walk as you want me to walk. Your will be done in my life today. I bind, break and destroy any plan, scheme or work of the enemy which would seek to hinder your will being done in my life today.
In the name of Yeshua Amen.


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