Beit Yahuwah: Journal of the Charismatic Church

This Journal aims to increase the prostration to and service of Yahuwah, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit in all the earth, to bring glory to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through the encouragement here contained the Church may rise up to her calling to govern and judge the world in Christ Jesus.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Thought March 1987, Sweden

3)The thought March 1987 Sweden.
The thought it came entering my head like a revelation
Of a man who died and now lives.
That whilst we’re not sinning, we are not sinning or are we I thought?
The phrasing running around my mind, being digested, tested and considered.
Because it’s so easy to settle for simple deceptions, simple truths which are simply white lies. So I considered and still am this phrase.
It means we must live from day to day and hour to hour and moment to moment.
Our action and being and thoughts and desires, so that we do not fall into temptation.
We can not live off last week’s sins, but repentance and confession
Help us over them.
Then we must come to the moment at hand,
Where we are not necessarily sinning, either against God or our conscience.
The moment where on judgement day, nothing is brought up,
But only sins of omission, will fill that judgement cup.
Yes sins of omission, I think I call them iniquities,
This may shed light on, my thought which lets face it,
Is pretty simple.
But then again sins of omission are only such when
You’re not doing the thing your supposed to do.
But if at this moment you intend in your heart to do, but right now, there is no opportunity , and simply no time, then does not God try us according to our minds and hearts.
So moment by moment we must live the day. And it will become easier to live Mashiach’s way.
Purified via the Holy Spirit and responsible careful souls.
Zealous for good deeds, by the grace of God, then we are Mashiach’s people,
the ones who love him, the ones to whom he discloses himself,
The one’s with whom he makes a home.

I'm Trying to Learn to Live the Faith

I’m trying to learn, to live the faith,
And to put all things to the provision of God
Last night was interesting and a lot of fun,
Fun with a message, to me and you
"There is no answer to whats blowing in the wind"
I remember what I told her and I hope, it will work
I said this is the essence,
"Trust me because I’m trusting God"
She’s opening me up to confession of light
Things I’d never say except to my wife.
Things that should have been spoken long ago,
Things dormant in me that people never know.
She pushes me to the border of my heart
That I speak the unspoken and before the unspeakable
And though usually this might pull me apart
I’m trusting in him
And he’s faithful to the hilt.
So when they come
The attacks of the tongue
Wherein if I was sourceless
They’d have done me bitter wrong
They washed over me, like rivers to the soul
They bounced off me,
Off the sheild of my faith.
For in all things, I say
Leave to provision from God, and as for today
Let his peace fill you up.
Speak evil of no one
And think just the same
And seek God and his Kingdom
And to glorify his name
Walk in the God will
Of a brand new heart
Pray for protection from desires so evil
Build you up a treasure of heavenly treasures
Learn the new discipline of heavens new leaven
And it is a great feeling for sure
To walk with a smile
To sing in your heart
Psalms to our love
It’s a great feeling for sure
To hope to desire to love
To walk on a pathway
That’s heavens highway in your heart.
Oh speak the unspeakable
And praise God above
See with God’s insight
The hope that we have
Double minds and double hearts and
Double tongues, thwart
My suggestion to you is
You cut them in half.
See with one eye or at least one out of two
Hear with open ears, and with the eyes of your heart
Grasp hold of hope.
Pray for God’s truth
For you to get hold of
Listen my friend , to every whispering breeze
Watch my friend every falling leaf
For wisdom in these is wisdom indeed
When you’re eating, unleavened
That bread of heaven.

What Would Yeshua Say?

What would Yeshua say? 8 woes 14 blessings 3rd March 1987
It came to me yesterday, walking the streets of Stockholm
What would Yeshua say to the Evangelical Christians today?
Would he say
Woe to you, Pentecostals, hypocrites, for you exalt the way of tongues to heaven
Whereby you speak forth and receive your individual joy,
But forget the weightier matters of the New Covenant
To love your neighbour as yourself and to love Yahwah your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.
Woe to you evangelicals, for you come to the people with the words of salvation and lordship, and yet your actions deny the words you utter, emptying them of their meaning, you should have spoken the words and lived by them, then you would have been blessed by my Father.
Woe to you evangelicals, for you go around with eyes open looking for specks in men’s eyes when your eyes are full of logs and your personal visions sorrowfully deceptive.
Then maybe some Charismatic would come along and say:
"But Lord you condemn us also by your words"
Would the Lord then turn to him and say
Woe to you Charismatics, hypocrites, for you sing your boasts with loud voices, and in mighty throngs, with clapping and dancing, and yet your life belies your words. For you are pitifully poor when it comes to weightier matters of the New Covenant, love, righteousness and justice
Woe to you evangelicals , hypocrites, for you spend your whole life talking about grace and you forget the fear of Yahwah.
Woe to you Charismatics, for you give the appearance of a great love among you, wherein the ignorant are deceived, where really there is jealousy and strife, and all sorts of things which defile a man.
Woe to you Charismatics for often times for your own scheming and your own ill, you have covered your eyes to the truth and continued blindly on your own path.
Woe to peoples who call themselves by the name Christ, for you take my word and use it for your own ends, twisting and adding to it.
Repent then, all of you who are hypocrites and turn unto Yahwah God of Israel, for he is waiting for you in his steadfast love.
Or would he say:
Well done, good and faithful servants, for you have kept before me a willing heart and you have been ready in my day of battle.
Well done good and faithful servants, for in spiritual things you have strived for the right proportion of what it is good for you to do. You have exalted the way of the love of God and exalted the way of love for your neigbour. You have kept yourself from immorality and not indulged yourself in the way of flesh or death.
Well done good and faithful servants, for you have acknowledged me before the world, you have let your light so shine before men, that they have seen your good works and glorified me Father in heaven.
Well done good and faithful servants for you have seen with a single eye and have not had double vision with doubt. You have acted in the light of faith and acknowledged my Father, in all your ways, and indeed he has made your paths straight and because of this you are blessed.
Blessed are you because you have loved me and kept my mitzvoth.
Blessed are you because you know my Father.
Blessed are you because you are house of the Holy Spirit.
Blessed are you because you have acted faithfully to my words
Blessed are you because you have acted faithfully toward one another.
Blessed are you because loyalty, faithfulness and trusting in God have not forsaken you.
Blessed are you because the Kingdom of God is in your home.
Blessed are you because you have lived by words proceeding from my Father’s mouth.
Blessed are you because I will lead you up Mount Zion to dwell in the presence of my Father and he with you.
Blessed are you oh faithful ones.
Let him who reads know and understand this, That I am Yahwah who judges the peoples with justice. Know then that the way of life awaits you and I am calling you to myself. Turn to me then, and you will find rest for your souls, turn to me and I will make you whole. Know Yahwah who is the salvation of the ends of the earth.The creator and redeemer of all the peoples.

Heir to the Nations

We believe that Yeshua the Mashiach is the Son of the living God, heir to the nations and rightful possessor of the earth and the heavens, King of the Kingdom of the Elohim Amen. (NYSA)
(To receive the promises in this message you need to BELIEVE them in your heart and SPEAK them with your mouth.)
This message is written so that you may believe in Yeshua the Mashiach the Son of the living God and so receive eternal life in his name.
Adonai Yahwah (God of truth) requires all mankind to grow in their knowledge of Him. There are three simple stages in this process. To experience them you have to be trusting as a child, your intellect will not win this day.
(1) Positive commandment (mitzvah) 1 in the name of Mashiach: Repentance, Return or Tshuvah unto the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, The Lord Yahwah.
Return or repentance is a real blessing granted to Jew and non Jew by God. As Rav Kook says of one who returns "The spirit of holiness reverberates around him like a bell and he is informed that all of his trangressions are effaced, those known to him as well as those of which he is unaware, for he is created anew as a new creature" We preach repentance in the name of Mashiach and "therefore if any man be in Mashiach there is a new creature, the old things have passed away behold all things have become new" we are privileged in the Mashiach to start all over again even as a little child.
All men and women everywhere are now commanded and granted permission by Yahwah (God of Truth) to return to him. If they refuse and drop dead, they will not enter the Kingdom of God, the world to come, Jew or Gentile.
(a) This return means you will begin today, to Love Yahwah, God of truth, with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.
For example we will no longer live for ourselves but we will begin to lean on and trust in Yeshua the Nazarene, the Beloved son of the God of truth, for every aspect of our lives. We will completely give our lives over to Yeshua, Yahwah’s Mashiach,Son of God and by his power we will become sons of God.
(a1)One prophet prophesied this event saying "Where it is said to them "You are not my people (God being speaker) it will be said to them "Sons of the living God". This is fulfilled today in the Tzaddik Yeshua the Nazarene, in that it is written "To those who received him he gave them the power to becomes Sons of God" that is becoming children born by God’s Spirit. The Kingdom of heaven will take over the whole earth, it is spiritual so to see it or enter it you have to be born, not just of flesh but of the Holy Spirit. No one who does not reach the level of Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, will inherit a portion of the world to come.
(a2)A saint also spoke of this work in the soul of mankind saying "I have been crucified with Mashiach, I live no longer I, but Mashiach lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me". This is the confession of every true holy one, made holy by the Spirit of God and made righteous by believing on the name of the Mashiach, Yahwah Yeshua.
(a3) When we return to Yahwah (God), Mashiach will come and live in our hearts by us having faith (emunah) in his teaching and receiving his Spirit (by praying for it) to enable us to grow in his love. This process is called being made holy and starts with the spiritual milah (circumcision) of the heart, ears and eyes. This is the circumcision of the Kingdom of Heaven. If this does not take place we will never be joined to the people of the Kingdom of Heaven, the "Am Yeshua" who are filling the earth and the heavens more and more every day.
"If you love me" says the Mashiach, you will keep my mitzvoth (commandments). And Yahwah says in the covenant of Horeb that he is "Showing Chesed (loving kindness) to thousands (of generations) who love me and keep my mitzvoth (commandments).
Of the milah (circumcision) of the Kingdom it is written "Yahwah your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your seed to love Yahwah your God with all your heart and with all your soul in order that you may live" (Due 30). If we refuse this gift of milah we will not enter the Spiritual Kingdom of God.
We note that this is not a milah made with hands in the physical body. This is a circumcision made by Yahwah on the heart of the people who have been gathered from the ends of the earth and are described as outcasts. The 2 step process is firstly the ingathering to the Land of Israel followed by a returning to God, by the Holy Spirit. In Israel, secular and Orthodox Israelites, are gathered in but all need the heart circumcision performed by the greatest Mohel, Yahwah. This circumcision is for males and females.
(a4) The life style followed after this milah will mean:
*We will always as a first priority seek first the Kingdom of God his justice and righteousness. These two characterise the expression of the love of God since they are the foundation of his throne. In Mashiach we become the righteousness of God. Righteousness is to believe the promises of the word of God and to obey the instructions of the word of God (including Tanakh and the New Covenant revelation of the Kingdom of God).
Since the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, we will always be rejoicing, always praying and always thankful for everything in the name of Yahwah Yeshua Mashiach. (NC1)
We will think on things which are above in heaven "whatever is true, whatever is honourable, what ever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is loveable and gracious, whatever is of good reputation, if there is any excellence, and if anything worthy of praise" we will let out mind dwell on these things. (NC1/2)
*We will bow to and serve no image of anything in heaven above, on the earth beneath or under the earth, physically or in our Spirit. This includes such things as money, fame, man made honour, women or men. (NC1/2)
*We will not import hindu meditation methods, invented by demons, and dress them up in garments of Judaism, forgetting their origin, and teach them to the unwary and searching. All such methods do not originate in truth but deception and must be left behind in favour of prayer from the Spirit of God. (NC1/2)
* Speaking peace with the mouth and having hatred in the heart is not acceptable. "He who hates disguises it with his lips. But he lays up deceit in his inward part. When he speaks graciously do not believe him, for there are seven abominations in his heart. Though his hatred covers itself with guile." This is especially a problem in the land of Israel today. Of many Orthodox Jews against Gentiles and Palestinian leaders against Israeli’s. Such practices will bar a person from entry to the Kingdom of God, if they refuse to return to Yahwah (God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ) God of truth, God who is love. (NC3/6)
*We will not deny God’s son and make God out to be a liar. To deny that Yeshua is revealed as God’s Beloved Son is to follow a lie. Such who follow the lie will not enter the Kingdom of the Son of his love, if they are made aware of it and refuse to listen, for Israel it is a mitzvah to believe in the Mashiach. (NC9)
*We will listen to and trust in no medium or astrologer, charm, star signs (which originates in Babylon, or tarot card. Even if something they say comes to pass we know since there source of information is demons and not the Holy Spirit, it will ensnare the heart and allow demons entrance into the heart and the heart of the children. All occult phenomena and practices should be avoided and prayer to Yahwah for wisdom and understanding should take their place. (NC1/2
We will not add hindu teachings such as reincarnation, to the Tanakh. No where in the Torah is such an idea taught, therefore it is not the portion of the people of Yahwah. Again it is born of deception and leave one cold and outside the Kingdom of heaven.
We will not put Father or Mother, brother or sister, husband or wife, culture or religion or book before the truth revealed to us about God and his Son, by the Holy Spirit, in the Tanakh and the New Covenant writings. The Kingdom of God revealed in the New Covenant and prophesied in the Tanakh is above the level of the Aaronic priesthood. A high priest of Aaron was not even allowed to defile himself be burying his close relatives, how much more must one get his priorities right who is entering the Kingdom which knows no death.
We will not blaspheme God, the Father, the Son or the Holy Spirit. We will not use his name as a swear word.
We will not take Yahwah’s name in vain by joining the covenant and then going around blatantly breaking the covenant, by commiting adultery, stealing, murdering, coveting and bearing false witness. Bowing down to and Serving things like money, fame, or our own concepts of God, which are not the Creator. And making up concepts of God which are not revealed in scripture and which require us to twist the plain meaning of scripture out of all proper sense, just to fit the concepts we have been taught.
In all this Truth (EMET) takes a very high position as criteria. Once something is shown by the revelation of the scripture to be a lie or a deception we leave it behind by the power of truth we are freed from it.
We will boast only in the fact that we understand and know Yahwah that he works lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth for in these things he delights. We note it is not just among our people but on earth, which is where the Kingdom of God will rule.
Our heart will completely love God the Father…through his Son and by his Holy Spirit he will come and live in us and give us a guarantee of an inheritance in the world to come. We will become his temple, and we will seek his glory always in the name of his Son Yahwah Yeshua Mashiach.
(B) We will begin to love our neighbour as ourselves:
We will speak to one another in Psalms, hymns of thanksgiving and sing spirutual songs.
We will support one another in prayer and words of encouragement to continue to walk with Mashiach and to let his Spirit rule in our lives to God’s glory.
We will speak the truth to one another in love, avoiding all lieing, gossip, coarse joking, malicious comments and tale bearing.
We will not use the deceptive tongue where we speak peace but think hatred.
We will support those who are more needy than ourselves.
We will not judge harshly, for the Spiritual man can judge all things, but the Spirit is one of grace.
We will build one another up and plant good seeds of gracious words in the lives of those around us.
We will not judge the world (yet) because God will judge the outsiders. We will seek to receive justice from God, and we will not avenge our selves.
We will walk in forgiveness. We will not act in violence nor desire violence on another, rather we will pray that the evil one in them will be destroyed so that they too can enter the Kingdom of God.
We would seek peace and pursue it by seeking to do good and to keep our tongue from speaking evil.
We will pray for Yahwah to send messengers to the unbelieving world so that they too can have an opportunity of repentance unto life.
We will not seek to dominate but to serve in the way God leads us.
If we love our neighbous as our selves, we will not steal from them but seek to give to those in need. We will not commit adultery with their wives but seek to encourage them in having a good marriage. We will not lie to them but speak the truth in love. We will not use them for fornication but pray for them to receive the right marriage partner. We will not covet their possessions but seek to share ours with them. We will not gossip about them but pray for their best. We will not slander them but pray for God’s Spirit to be poured out so that we will all change.
We will love our enemies by feeding them if they are hungry, praying for them if they persecute us, so that they can repent and come to a knowledge of the truth.
We will seek to help all mankind grow in their love toward God the Father and Yahwah Yeshua Mashiach, by the Holy Spirit. This will bring great blessing on them and us. (Deu 28)
Incidentally these two commandments are impossible to keep in your own strength so God the Father in his grace (undeserved mercy or favour) will enable you to grow gradually to the place where you will keep them by His Holy Spirit. In the name of the Son he will do two things for us.
(2) God will Forgive and Remove our sins by his Grace in Mashiach Yeshua.
This means God will literally remove all the sins we have committed from the day we were born to the day we are born again and enter the New Covenent, by believing on Yeshua, Yahwah’s Mashiach, who is the New Covenant. You in turn will forgive all who have ever hurt you. You will die to these old attitudes in the cleansing waters of the hope (mikveh) of Yeshua. All your sins will be washed away because of his blood shed on the tree (cross). It is prophesied of the New Covenant "their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more" (Jer 31). And of the Mashiach it is written "I will also make you a light of the Goim so that my Yeshua (salvation) may be to the ends of the earth…Thus says Yahwah, the redeemer of Israel, its Holy One, to the despised One, to the One Abhored by the nation (of Israel)…I will keep you and give you as a COVENANT (brit) of the people (of Israel)."
As you can see there is only one who has been despised by the nation of Israel over history and become light of the Goim. This one is Yeshua and his people Am Yeshua. In this prophecy Yeshua is spoken to by Yahwah "You are my servant Israel (He will rule with El) in whom I will be glorified….in order that Israel (the nation) might be gathered to him (to Yahwah).
In establishing the New Covenant which you will now enter if you return, Yeshua said "This is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins"
By faith in the shed blood of Mashiach, we, Israel and the Goim, receive the forgiveness of sins.
We can ask the question, can the Goim join this covenant and the answer is given by the Prophet Isaiah "Preserve Justice and do righteousness for my Yeshua (salvation) is about to come, and my righteousness to be revealed (note this prophecy is years after the Torah is given but its speaks of a future righteousness). How blessed is the man who does this (Note it does not say Jew, so it applies to all mankind) and the son of man who takes hold of it. Who keeps from profaning the sabbath, and keeps his hand from doing any evil. Let not the foreigner (necar) who has joined himself (through covenant) to Yahwah say "Yahwah will surely separate from his people…the foreigners who join themselves to Yahwah, to (sharat) ministewr to him ,and to love the name of Yahwah, to be his servants, every one who keeps from profaning the sabbath (here it is clear goim are permitted to keep sabbath) and hold fast to my covenant, even those I will bring to my holy mountain and make then joyful in my house of prayer…for my house will be called a house of prayer for all peoples."
So it is clear this covenant is for Jew and Gentiles and brings Yeshua (salvation) to all. The believing community is one and in the end all will honor shabbat the way Yahwah wants it honoured.
The righteousness of God is for mankind not just for natural Israel. We have this in the true Church. This was Mashiach’s prayer in Gethsemane that the whole Mashianic community would be one as he and his Father are one.
Stage 3: God will give us the Holy Spirit. (The guarantee of eternal life).
When we ask God, by praying out loud, with our whole heart, he will give us his Holy Spirit. He will pour the love of God into our lives and cause the same character that is in Yeshua the Mashiach to be formed in us. This means the inside of us is completely recreated. We become NEWLY BORN.
In the same way that a gentile who became a proselyte to Judaism in the second temple period was considered to be like a newly born child (see Ency Judaica. Proselyte) so any one who wants to enter the Kingdom of God, Jew or Gentile, will become like a Newly Born Child.
(c)God’s Kingdom and Torah are Spirit, so is God. By being born again we can see and enter God’s kingdom and uphold the Torah God, in its true meaning, not according to the letter which is impossible, but according to its nature Spirit.
(d)We can love Yahwah in these redemption generations when Yahwah circumcises out heart. Says Yahwah "I will put my Spirit upon you and cause you to walk in my Chuqqim (statutes) and Mishpatim (judgements). Or again "I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, your sons and daughters will prophesy your old men dream dreams and your men see visions".
(e)The only community on earth exhibiting all these spiritual blessing at this present time on earth is the Spirit filled communities of believers in the Mashiach Yeshua. These taste the Mashianic age before it takes over completely.
(f)By being filled, led and taught by the Spirit we gain inheritance in God’s kingdom which will ultimately take over the earth completely. We will reign with Yeshua the Mashiach forever in a Melchizedek priesthood.
(g)We speak Shalom to the nations in his name and the weapons of our warfare are the weapons of the Sons of Zion. They include songs: prayer, praise, prophecy, preaching and Psalms powerfully proclaimed. "I will raise up your sons oh Zion against your sons oh Greece" (Zech) . Most of the education and government in this day are sons of the Greek intellectual systems. But Greece did not touch the music.
(h)The way of our peace and victory is the way shown by Hezekiah and Isaiah. Prayer and Song. Hezekiah prayed and Isaiah sung a prophecy. So it will be that the sons of Zion will overcome the sons of Greece through prayer, prophesy and praise.
(i)If you join the Mashianic community you join the sons of Zion. "For I will bend Judah as my Bow and I will fill the bow with Ephraim." This prophecy is fulfilled on a number of levels. Judah represented the southern Kingdom and Ephraim the northern Kingdom. Yeshua who was of Judah, a Son of David. Went to the north in Galilee and picked up his disciples up there in the north and trained them for the Spiritual battle. It was they who began the battle against the Sons of Javan or Greece. They were born as a community on Mount Zion in 30 AD and now have reached to every nation under heaven. They were sent forth by Yeshua of the tribe of Judah.
(j)A second way of reading this prophecy is in the meaning of the words. Judah means praise and Ephraim relates to fruitfulness. So God will take his bow of praise and fill it with fruitfulness. And we see this right at the birth of the church. When this daughter of Zion was born in 30 CE, they were born when God poured out the source of the Torah, the Holy Spirit on the community of 120 believers who were worshipping God in Zion. The Torah is Spirit and radiates Holiness and its source is the Holy Spirit of God who is also the means whereby we can obey the Torah according to its true meaning as a life giver. When these people went out into the streets people said what they heard. "We hear them in our own tongues speaking of the mighty deeds of God" (Acts) There were men from every nation under heaven there. And it is taught by the Rabbis that the Torah was revealed in seventy languages which is also the number of the nations at the time of the creation of the nations. So the disciples began to praise God supernaturally through the Holy Spirit. And so it is today among millions of followers of Yeshua around the world. On that same Shavout 30 AD, 3000 people believed the message and were born again into God’s Kingdom as sons and daughters of Zion. So the bow of praise became fruitful. Now if we count the number of Israel and Nations who have entered God’s kingdom since then we will find the number is so great it is like trying to count the stars of heaven. In fact the number doesn’t stand still. By the time you’ve finished counting, another few thousand will have been added. Not only that but the rate of fruitfulness increased. For we count the number of Shavuots from 30 CE to 2000 CE we have 1970. This multiplied by 3000 is 5,910,000. However the number of believers in the earth alone today is well over 591,000,000. That is that first Shavuot multiplied more than 100 times. So we see that praise has indeed become fruitful. This was all achieved by the Spirit. So the mitzvah for the believers is to ‘Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in Psalms, hymn and Spiritual songs making melody in your hearts to Yahwah". This is our main weapon against the intellectual and warmongering forces of Greece. We will sing our way to the peace of the Kingdom of God overcoming with the tongue (386) through Yeshua (386).
To be born again and filled with the Spirit, your key is humble, persistent, faithfilled prayer. As they say in one ministry you need to PUSH, Pray Until Something Happens.
You might pray the following
Holy Father of our Lord Yeshua, the Mashiach. Maker of the heavens, the earth, the sea and all that is in them. I believe that Yeshua the Mashiach is your son. The Son of the only true and living God.
I renounce Satan and all his works. I, by your grace, turn away from all sin and ask you for grace to live by the Spirit and by faith in your Word and for your Glory from now on.
I believe that Yeshua the Mashiach was crucified and died so that I a might be completely forgiven for all of my sins. And that I might come out from the curse written in the Torah which says "Cursed is the man who does not confirm all the words of this book of the Torah by doing it". I know the Torah is eternal so this curse still stands.
I admit that I have failed to do all the words and mitzvoth of the Torah and so need the forgiveness and release from this curse, by the fact that Yeshu Mashiach took the curse in himself at his crucifixion. As it was written in the Torah "Cursed is he who hangs on a tree" as Yeshua did.
I thank you heavenly Father for the forgiveness which came from this love of Yeshua.
I ask you for grace to be immersed in water, whether in a mikveh or a river or somewhere else to identify with his death and burial and to be immersed by faith into Mashiach. I understand that this means the death of my old sin life and the washing away of all my sins forever. As your word says "Their sins and there lawless deeds I will remember no more" and that you forgive "sin, iniquity transgression" and I understand that this is one way I can call on the name of Yahwah and be saved. I will by your grace, do this as soon as is practical.
I believe that Yeshua the Mashiach was raised from the dead on the third day and understand that this represents the new spiritual life that I am receiving by believing completely on Yeshua and his blood alone, not my own works, in order to receive eternal life and to be saved from sin and hell. As it is written "by his knowledge my righteous servant shall make many righteous".
I thank you that now I have a place in the resurrection of the righteous who receive an inheritance in the Kingdom of Mashiach and God.
I thank you that I am now forgiven of my sin and my spirit is now born again because I have believed the gospel, that is the good news about Yeshua and the coming of your Kingdom to take over the whole earth and to fill it with the knowledge of your glory. Even as Joseph had control over Egypt so Yeshua has control over heaven and earth.
I ask for grace, right now to leave this wicked and perverse generation and to join the community of Yeshua the Mashiach son of the living God. I ask for grace to find a local group of believers to help me grow in love, in rejoicing in thankfulness, in prayer and in my knowledge of your Mashiach, your Word and you, through the Spirit.
I ask you now to keep your promise in the Tanakh and the New Covenant and to immerse me with your Holy Spirit. Just as the believers were immersed on Shavuoth 30CE in Jerusalem or lead me to someone who can lay hands on me so that I can receive the Holy Spirit immersion. I also ask you to circumcise my heart by the Spirit as you promised in the Torah in Dvarim 30 "Yahwah your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your seed".
I ask you to do this so that I may cry from my heart with your other saints or children ABBA Father or Yeshua he is Lord. Thank you Heavenly Father that you always keep your word.
So I accept now that whatever happens I am being filled with your Holy Spirit. I bind break and destroy and plan scheme or work of the enemy which would seek to hinder your work in my life.
In the name and by the merit of Mashiach Yeshua. Amen.
Now the Spirit of truth,sonship, adoption,love, power, self control, wisdom, understanding, counsel might, knowledge and the fear of Yahwah, in short the Spirit of Mashiach and God will begin to lead you into all truth and teach you everything about Mashiach If you need to understand or know anything or if you need anything you pray and ask God, your Father about it. Your life from now is always rejoicing, thankfulness and thanksgiving for everything and ceaseless prayer and praise. Through this God will begin to change you character, by his grace, to be like Mashiach. Here is a daily prayer which will help.
"Heavenly Father, your will be done in my life today. May I go where you want me to go, see what you want me to see, hear what you want me to hear, speak what you want me to speak. Love as you want me to love, live as you want me to live and walk as you want me to walk. Your will be done in my life today. I bind, break and destroy any plan, scheme or work of the enemy which would seek to hinder your will being done in my life today.
In the name of Yeshua Amen.

Trinity in Unity

The Oneness of God as revealed in the Tanakh

Dear Seeker of Truth,
As you read this meditation let us pray that Yahwah the God of truth (Elohei emet) will lead you into all truth. We are commanded to love Yahwah our Elohim (God) with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, let us pray for Yahwah's Spirit to enable us to do this.
I write this response to the pamphlet as a way of learning more about the Creator, all mankind will one-day worship. It is a critical response designed to bring the reader closer to the truth of the teaching of the TaNaKhM (the Bible). For the sake of the Rabbi, I will try to elucidate the ideas with only the Tanakh and Jewish authorities. This to counter the accusation that the ideas contained were made up by Gentiles or messengers of the Almighty who follow the Christian (Messianic ) faith.
The pamphlet, I am responding to, is labeled the "Absolute Unity of God". I would like to ask why is it not entitled "The Unity or Oneness of Hashem". Why is the term Absolute in there at all? Does the term "Absolute Unity" come up anywhere at all in the Tanakhm. If not, then is it possible that the writer is defending a concept of human invention even as the title is of his own invention? Prophets wrote the Tanakh and none of them used the Term "Absolute Unity", why not? I will tell you why I think they did not, because the prophets wrote and spoke what Elohim told them to write or speak. They wrote and spoke what Elohim wanted his people Israel and the Gentiles called by his name to know. Anything added is elucidation in the hands of man. This is permissible. But let us always remember the writings of the prophets carry a far higher authority in determining truth than any of the writings which came afterwards, by men who did not reach the level of prophecy in their teachings. So let us love Yahwah our Elohim with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. And treat this as a study of his teaching (Torah) out of our love for him.
The Written Torah and the Oral Torah
We must accept the written Torah as the highest authority. For we find, in by far the majority of the cases, that when a prophet spoke or wrote whether Samuel or Malachi, they appealed to the Torah as we have recorded in the five books of Moses, which we can by God's grace still read today. They did not appeal to an unwritten Oral tradition. So in this paper we will mainly follow the prophetic method of appealing either to the Torah or to the writings of other prophets. If the Mishnah, Gemara or Midrash, elucidate and do not contradict the five books of Moses, praise be to Yah we can learn from them. However if the Oral Torah in any way contradicts the Written Torah, we must side with the word of Moses and the prophets and in doing so we side with Elohim.
When Joshua met the Angel of Hashem, before he lead the people to conquer Jericho he asked the angel "Are you one of us or of our enemies?" The Angel replied. "No, I am captain of the Yahwah’s host. Now I have come."
Joshua had human concerns but the angel was moving on a whole different plane. It was like the question was irrelevant because the angel didn't answer the question- "Which side are you on?" because he was in charge of the whole thing. Now Joshua was challenged to show which side was he on. He took off his shoes and was no longer the one asking questions.
So it is with us. If the Oral Torah contradicts the Written Torah (The Torah of Yahwah), we listen to the Written Torah and the Oral is subject to it. This process is reasonable because with that which is written we can present very clear evidence that what we have is what Moses or Joshua wrote. An Oral tradition is fine, however it cannot be said to be as reliable as that which was written and maintained in a hard copy. Moses was told by Yahwah to write the written Torah and why if an Oral tradition would have been quite enough?
Why, if an Oral tradition would be as helpful as the written, did Yahwah choose to write the 10 commandments with his own finger?
He had already spoken the words.
Why take the energy to write them and have them placed in the Ark?
Then we have the wonderful example of Yoshiyahu. An amazing career of turning a whole nation back to the worship of Yahwah. However clearly according to the Rabbis the Oral tradition would have been there from his childhood. However it was when Hilkiah found the Scroll of the Torah in the temple and when it was read in the ears of Yoshiyahu that the repentance of the nation was effected. It was the reading of the Scroll of the Torah that touched that tender king’s heart. And Yahwah saw his heart. After his repentance he sent to a prophetess to find out what needed to be done about what had been read. Clearly if the Oral Tradition was present at that time it had not the same effect on Yoshiyahu as the reading of the Written Torah had. Then we read of his amazing reforms and they are all in accordance with the written Torah.
If an Oral tradition is as effective and of equal authority to a written tradition, why was Jeremiah told to dictate and have Baruch Son of Neriah write all the words he had received from Yahwah, about Judah and Jerusalem down on a scroll?
Yahwah said to Jeremiah that maybe if the people, through reading the words he had received, might hear, understand and repent. The written word clearly carried an authority the spoken word did not carry. At the end of every seven years the people were told to read through the whole written Torah (They could not have read an oral Torah) and every one was to listen. They were not told at the same time to recite the Oral Torah as well.
Clearly that which was vitally important for the community, and for eternity, Yahwah had written. And thanks to this more than two billion people have had opportunity to come to a knowledge of the one true God of Israel. The followers of Yeshua through their love for Elohim have lovingly translated the Tanakhm into thousands of languages. As a result through their diligent work and love millions of people around the earth now have an opportunity to turn from Idolatry and to worship the only true Elohim, as Rambam admits in Hilchot Melachim). My family and I only learned of the Eloah of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, through the witness of the Christians. There knowledge came through the written Tanach not an Oral tradition, although it was through the preaching orally of that which has been written and handed down that we come to a relationship with the living Elohim. As it is written by one source, "faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Elohim".
So let us love and thank Elohim for his mercies to all mankind in giving them the written Tanakhm.
Tanakh the "Only Testament"?
(1) Why do you call the Tanakh the Only Testament? If we are seeking to correct peoples’ errors we do not do this best by perpetuating erroneous terms. The word testament has really nothing to do with Covenant. They certainly do not mean the same thing. The Scriptures referred to by this term are best called Tanakh. And the idea behind Old and New is really referring to the Jeremiah 31 prophecy. Where the prophet Jeremiah is told by Yahwah to say:
" See a time is coming -declares Yahwah- when I will make a new covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah"
Clearly here Jeremiah is prophesying something future. Since he uses the term "See a time is coming"- he is clearly pointing to the future. He also commands the reader or listener "to see" or "to behold". We then have to find out: When did Jeremiah make this prophecy? and what are we to look for in Israel for the future?
It is clear we are to look for a Brit Chadasha, a New Covenant. We are to look for it in the future, in the midst of the House of Israel and Judah. We need to recognise that Jeremiah says New Covenant. However that would appear to suggest there was an Old Covenant. Well we ask was there an old Covenant being referred to? Well, Jeremiah contrasts this future covenant with a covenant made on a specific date in the History of the Sons of Israel.
He says "It will not be like the covenant I made with their fathers, when I took by the hand to lead them out of Egypt"
So Jeremiah is telling us that future to early 6th century BCE Yahwah is planning to make a covenant with the House of Israel. Jeremiah was writing around 900 years after the covenant which the New Covenant is being contrasted with. A covenant is sometimes called an agreement. It usually took place between two parties, in those days usually between a sovereign and his vassals. Both parties took upon themselves parts of the covenant. Now Yahwah says that Israel broke the covenant. That means they did not keep their part of the covenant. In those days covenants came with a list of the blessings for keeping the covenant and curses for breaking it. Yahwah said the earlier covenant was a "covenant which they broke"

The Fathers of Israel and Judah broke the covenant
Then he goes on describe the characteristics of the future covenant. We only need to look over Israeli history from 6th century BC onward to see if God has made any such covenant with the House of Israel afterwards.
And if we find such a Brit Chadasha then we may have found what Jeremiah was talking about. If one cannot see one in all the History of Israel from the 6th BC to today this doesn't change the fact that Yahwah has promised one and his word never returns to him with out accomplishing that for which he sent it forth. We need to search the History of Israel from Jeremiah to today. Maybe we will find the covenant among the Rabbis. Perhaps one of the Rabbis expounded such a covenant to Israel in the second temple period when they were a nation again. If not we need to look at Israel from lets say 1948 onwards when they were reborn as a nation. Has God made a covenant with them since then?
We note that the covenant it is contrasted with, is the one established after they came out of Egypt, not the one G-d made with Abraham. Abraham did not break his covenant and the New Covenant will be made exactly because of the covenant Yahwah made with Abraham which is an everlasting covenant. The covenant is a covenant of the heart." I will put my teaching into their inmost being and inscribe it upon their hearts." We note that because Elohim puts his Spirit in the heart of the people of this covenant, it is a covenant which by its nature will not and perhaps can not be broken. The first covenant failed because Israel broke it. This covenant is made with the whole intention to improve on the weakness which was shown forth by the first covenant. So by the Spirit of Elohim writing the Torah on the hearts and minds of the people of the New Covenant, and causing them to walk in Yahwah's statues and commandments it a covenant of Elohim with himself, in the Spirit of Messiah. It will not be broken.
In the above quote the translator translates the word Torah as teaching. This is a Jewish translation and it is showing that the word Torah means more than simply a set of laws. We would expect this New Covenant to reflect this. After Israel received the covenant, that they later broke they said "We Will Obey"
But by the time their children were entering the land of promise, Yahwah was saying to Moses "You are soon to lie with your fathers. This people will thereupon go astray after alien Elohim in there midst, in the land that they are about to enter; they will forsake me and break my Covenant that I made with them."
Then God gave Moses a song to witness against Israel for all time. In contrast to this the New Covenant will be one which Israel will keep. Even as Yeshua son of Nun was with Israel when they entered the land and although the people broke the covenant he and his house did not. He at the end of his ministry had to tell the people:
"Now therefore, revere the Yahwah and serve him with undivided loyalty; put away the Elohim that your forefathers served beyond the Euphrates and in Egypt, and serve the Yahwah...but I and my household we will serve the Yahwah.
Now the people reply to Yeshua: "We too will serve the Yahwah, for he is our Elohim."
But Yeshua son of Nun is a prophet and knowing their hearts replied " You will not be able to serve the Yahwah, for he is a Holy Elohim."
During the time of Yeshua son of Nun, Israel and the elders who succeeded him, Israel served the Yahwah. But still because of the Holiness of the Yahwah,
they as Yeshua said were not able to maintain the service of the Yahwah.
Who is the Yahwah and what unity is his unity?
Now we come to the crux of the issues we are dealing with. The unity of Elohim. We need commentary by the prophets on this subject for the Spirit of the Yahwah and the word of the Yahwah are our teachers, not man. So we will take the passages which our Rabbi has chosen to support his understanding of the unity of Elohim. And we will allow them to teach us.
Our Rabbi has used the teachings of the following prophets: Moses, Isaiah, Zechariah and Amos. So he used the teachings of these four prophets out of the more than 17 prophets who have written books in the Tanakh, we will let two of these four prophets illustrate their own teachings.
We can start by saying that we all agree that there is only one true Elohim, the Creator of all things. The question is "Is their plurality in that Elohim as the Hebrew noun Elohim would indicate? Is his true nature plurality in unity and unity in plurality?
Then the more specific question is: Does he have one uncreated Son who was with him in creation? The Son goes under various titles such as the Word or the Wisdom or Salvation of Elohim. And does he have a Spirit who was also there in creating the universe, but like the Father and the Son, is also uncreated and remains Elohim, forever. We know this all comes by revelation. We can not understand the infinite Elohim with our finite minds.
Moses on Moses.
(1) "Hear Israel, Hashem is Our God , Hashem is the Only One."
Or another translation reads: "'Hear, O Israel! Yahwah is our God, Yahwah alone"
Or Transliterated " Shema Israel Yahwah Eloheinu, Yahwah Echad"
(Note Eloheinu is noun, masculine, plural with a first person, common, plural, suffix . We point out that the word is plural. However because Yahwah goes on to say he is one we know there is a unique unity being referred to here. Not only this but the word is used as a plural in number more that one hundred times in the Tanakh (See Shmoth 20 and Tehillim 82). So the burden of proof as to the type of unity lies in the lap of those who claim there is no plurality in the nature of Elohim. For the plurality is there in the word Elohim and in the word Echad. These are words Elohim gave Moses to communicate to Israel as to his nature. He is our authority. We must not pervert the scriptures by the lying pen of the scribes, as people did in the time of Jeremiah. We must listen to what Yahwah teaches us by his messengers and missionaries the prophets. These are the missionaries given the mission to take the word of God to Israel and the Goyim that are called by the name of Yahwah.
So the noun, Elohim here is plural. The proper noun, Yahwah, is singular. Here we already see the richness of our Elohim. Echad is one of two words for one in Hebrew. It denotes primacy according to one Rabbi and composite unity according to many sources. The other word for one in Hebrew is Yachid which denotes indivisible unity. If Moses wanted to remove all sources of plurality and in this case confusion he could have used Yachid, then the Messianic Jew and the Gentiles called by his name would have no case. But Moses did not, by the authority of Yahwah he used the word for "one" which did not exclude plurality but included or implied it. An early example of the use of the word Echad in the Torah, by Moses, is in Bereshit 2:24. Here it is said "and they shall become Echad flesh". So here we have two people, Adam and Eve and yet they have become Echad flesh. Two people, one flesh. Now our Rabbi could, based on his understanding of Echad shout and proclaim the absolute unity of the flesh in marriage. But this oneness of flesh does not exclude the plurality of persons included in that oneness.
So we can ask of the Torah of Moses certain questions regarding his understanding of the Shema and the words included in it. We will find Moses a very good commentator on Moses.
Does Yahwah always speak in the singular thus ensuring that our Rabbis concept of absolute oneness is maintained throughout his writings?
The conversations with in Yahwah.
"Hear Israel Yahwah"
The answer to this question is no. Yahwah reveals to Moses that he spoke in the plural more than once, thus pointing to plurality with in Elohim. The first scripture is
"Now Yahwah Elohim said "Now that the man has become like one of US."
But perhaps this was just a plural of majesty which the later Rabbis claim.
No No. Yahwah majesty resides eternally. If he speaks with such majesty he would do so at all times. However in the same chapter Yahwah says to the serpent
"I will put emnity between you and the woman"
Here Yahwah is clearly speaking in the singular
Again he says to the Women
"I will make most severe your pangs in childrearing."
Again it is "I" singular as opposed to "Us" plural which Yahwah uses later.
Are there any other cases where Yahwah speaks in the plural ?
From Moses I will give you one more case:
While mankind was busy saying "Come let us make bricks...Come let us build a city, and a tower with its top in the sky.."
Yahwah was responding " Let us then, go down and confound their speech, so that they shall not understand one another’s speech"
So we have here many people saying "let us" and immediately we have Yahwah saying "let us"
Both imply plurality in unity and unity in plurality. For it is said of the people they were "Echad people" and it is said of Yahwah, "Yahwah is Echad".
We can note that when Yahwah speaks within Elohim he speaks with plurality "Let us" When he speaks to man he speaks as singular "I will make of you a great nation" This principle is not rigid for regarding Abraham, Yahwah said
"Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?"
So we see that Yahwah jumps between singular and plural when he is speaking with in his divine being. To him who accepts revelation and not mans wisdom, it is clear Elohim his consulting his Word and his Spirit. But to him who walks by mans philosophy and not the wisdom of Elohim, what we say makes no sense.
This concludes our look at the name Yahwah and his speaking in the plural as revealed to Moses. Yahwah then most certainly speaks in the plural. But does Elohim speak in the plural?
The Conversations within Elohim
Hear Israel Yahwah Eloheinu.
We have already noted that this word can be analysed as the noun Elohim,
In construct form Elohei- with a first common plural suffix - nu- .
Of the noun Elohim we can say the following. It is used over 150 times in the
Tanakh as a number plural. That is, it was definitely used to refer to more that one entity. In the first of the 10 commandments Yahwah states "You shall have no Elohim besides me". Here in the 10 commandments, Elohim is almost always translated "gods’ and in one case "mighty ones". It is clearly a plural word. Then we go on to ask if Elohim ever speaks in the plural? The answer again is yes. We again refer to Moses, Bereshit 1. And Elohim said "Let us make man in our image in our likeness" And just in case some scribe would come along and say he was talking to the ordinary angels, the scripture reiterates. "So Elohim created man in his image; in the image of Elohim he created him; male and female he created them." So here again we see the clear statement linking plurality and unity together. The verb is in the form of a 3rd person masculine singular. It is combined with a noun in the form masculine plural. The first pronouns are plural pronouns ‘us and our’
And the final pronoun is singular "his".
The powerful concept of the plurality in the unity of Elohim without any doctoring or reinterpreting by man. Elohim speaks clearly and no more clearly than he does when Moses clarifies Moses.
If the Oral Torah confirms the great light we have in Moses then praise Elohim we can learn from the rabbis. But if they contradict the clear testimony of Moses in the Torah, about Yahwah Elohim we must refrain from accepting their word.
The Shema
The Shema is seen as a commandment in both the Tanakh and the Messianic Scriptures recording the New Covenant. It is not just any commandment. According to the Messiah it is the greatest commandment. According to Rabbi Joseph. J. Fogel "It is the most important part of our prayer service"
"It is the Rabbis who raised the six Hebrew words "ShemA Israel Yahwah Eloheinu Yahwah EchaD" to a declaration of faith"
Kabbalah’s agreement with the New Covenant
The Ayin at the end of Shema and the Daleth at the end of Echad are in larger text in the Torah than the rest of the Shema. The value of Ayin is 70 and the value of Daleth is 4. Seventy is the number of the nations (Gen 10) and four is the number of the cardinal points of the compass. How can we understand this then. It can be interpreted that the unity of Yahwah is not just to be heard by Israel, but through them this knowledge is to spread to the all 70 nations at the four corners of the earth.
Hear O Nations, Yahwah Eloheinu Yahwah is One in all the earth. Will be the cry when the knowledge of the only true Elohim has finished spreading itself among all nations by virtue of his Messiah Yeshua and the Yehudim and the Goyim called by his name.
I would like to quote from a message I wrote on the Secrets of the Gospel to illustrate how the Kaballah agrees with the Tanakh and New Covenant revelation of God.
"Gematria is a method of kaballah, based on the relative values of hebrew words. Every letter in the hebrew alphabet is a number. Consequently every word in the scripture has a number. In the New Testament it is the same for the Greek words. I will give 3 examples.
The number of the name of the Beast in the Revelation is said to add to 666. So when we know his name will be able to confirm by taking each letter of his name and finding their numerical value.
The name of Yeshua in the Tanakh comes under two heads. (I) Yehoshua or Y.H.I.Sh.A and,
The first equals 391 and the second 386. Y=10 H=5 I = 6 Sh=300 A=70.
The name of Yahwah YHWH is 26 Y= 10 H=5 W= 6 H= 5
Notariqon comes from a Greek word meaning short hand. There are two forms to this method of Kaballah. The first is where each letter of a word is taken as the initial letter of another word. So in this case the particular word will become an Acronym for a sentence. We will use the first word of the Bible for illustration of this method. The first word is B-R-A-Sh-I-T, (in the beginning of)
the Jewish qabalist has made the following sentence from these letters:
Berashit Rahi Elohim Sheyequeblo Israel Torah.
In the beginning the Elohim saw that Israel would accept the Torah.
And some Jewish Kabalists began to follow Yeshua the Mashiach after seeing the following sentences were developed in the same way with the same letters:
Ben, Ruach, Ab, Shaloshethem Yechad Themim.
The Son, The Spirit, The Father, Their Trinity, Perfect Unity.
(iii) Ben, Ruach, Ab, Shaloshethem Yechad Thaubodo
The Son, The Spirit., The Father You shall equally worship their Trinity
Bekori, Rashuni, Asher, Shamo Yeshua Thuabodo.
You shall worship my first born, my first whose name is Yeshua
(v) Beboa Rabban Asher Shamo Yeshua , Thaubado
When the master shall come whose name is Yeshua you shall worship.
Bethula Raviah Abachar Shethaled Yeshua Thrashroah.
I will chose a virgin worthy to bring forth Yeshua , and you shall call her blessed.
Baugoth Ratzephim Assatar Shegophi Yeshuah Thakelo
I will hide myself in cake (baked with) coals, Ye shall eat Yeshua my body.
The last six examples have come from a certain Solomon Meir Ben Moses who turned to Yeshua in 1665.
(a)If we look at the first three letters of the Torah we see they are B-R-A, this Kabalistically can be read Son (Ben), Spirit (Ruach) and Father (Abba). They are also the root of the verb to Created Bara, he created. Pointing to the one God, Son, Spirit and Father, as creator.(b)The Tanakh is written in two languages, Hebrew and Aramaic. The word for Son in Aramaic is BaR. Again we see the first two letters of the Torah pointing to the Son.
© In the alephbet the Jewish Kabalistic Rabbi’s always take Aleph as a symbol for God, because its number is one. However they then go on to look at the shape of the letter. And without fail they say it is made of three parts. Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet, Phd follows this process in the intorduction to Gutman G. Locks Spice of Gematria. He says "The first letter of the aleph-bet is aleph. Its Gematria is one. The aleph is written combining a Yod, a Vav and a Yod which equals 26. The Gematria of God’s name is 26 thereby revealing God is one". So to Rabbi Schochet the very three parts of Aleph reveal the oneness of God. This process of breaking aleph up into three parts I have seen repeated numerous times by many Rabbis. So the revelation of God’s unity in the New Covenant is completely consistent with what the Rabbi’s teach among themselves. Even if they deny it to truth seekers and Christians they must know the plain truth in their hearts.

Rav Shimon Bar Yochai agrees with the New Covenant
Now we will have a look at what the Zohar has to say about Yahwah. This is the explanation of a Jewish Rabbi Shimon Bar Jochai (Sohar Vol iii).
"Eliezer’s father said to him: Come and see the mystery of the word, Yahuwah: there are three steps, each existing by itself; nevertheless they are One, and so united that one cannot be separated from the other"
Does this not sound very much like the New Covenant revelation of Yahwah?
In the same vol of the Zohar page 288 the Rabbi continues:
"The Ancient Holy One is revealed with three Heads, which are united in one and that head is thrice exalted. The Ancient Holy One is described as being Three; it is because the other Lights emanating from Him are included in the Three"
So now we have a background to understand the other writings of Moses our Rabbi cites.
"Know therefore this day and consider it in your heart that Yahwah he is Elohim."
Isaiah on Isaiah.
"I am He, before me no El was created, neither shall there be after me." 43:10
"Thus says Yahwah, the King of Israel,
and his Redeemer, Yahwah of Hosts; I am the First and the Last, and beside me there is no Elohim." (Is 44:6).
"I am Yahwah and there is no one else"
Let us love him for who He is, let us lovingly meditate on the King of Israel, the Redeemer of Israel, Yahwah,Yahwah Tzvaoth and his unique unity.
So we can again consult the writings of the prophet Isaiah on the peshat level to see if he is consistent with the plurality in unity of Elohim as revealed to us through Moses. As it was said to one person we cannot even think to understand the Great and Awesome Elohim who created the universe. How can a finite man understand an infinite Elohim. It is impossible. As one writer has said. " in the wisdom of Elohim the world through its wisdom did not come to know Elohim".
So all the great thinking Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and others who set up many thinking systems of logic and philosophy, did not come to know Elohim. But Daniel in having the Spirit of Elohim was able to understand mysteries which all the wise men of Babylon could not come close to. So it is that we as men are dependent on the Spirit of Elohim to reveal Elohim to us. In our own thinking we stand little chance of comprehending the Awesome truth of Elohim’s unique unity. There is no unity like his unity and this is not surprising because he is beyond anything we have ever come across in the world, he is the thrice Holy one the thrice separated one according to the song of the burning ones (Seraphim).
Let us as we study the scriptures love Yahwah with all that we are.
So does Isaiah agree with Moses in showing the different aspects of Yahwah Elohim? I say this, that if any prophet came who spoke contrary to Moses and tried to draw the people after another god who is in fact no god, under the Moses administration , then they would need to be put to death.
"I shall make mention of the lovingkindnesses of Yahwah, the praises of Yahwah, according to all that Yahwah has granted us and according to the great goodness toward the House of Israel….. For He said Surely they are my people, Sons who will not deal falsely, So he became their Saviour (Moshia).
In all their affliction he was afflicted. And the angel of his presence saved them; In his love and in his mercy, He redeemed them; And he lifted them and carried them all the days of old.
But they rebelled and grieved his Holy Spirit."
So here we see that he is first Father because he called his people Sons. We see that he became Moshia(Saviour). This is also the role of the Messiah Yeshua. Finally it is Et Ruach Chodeshu, (His Holy Spirit) that they rebelled against. So here we have again clear support of the plurality in the unity of Elohim. Some commentators say that the Holy Spirit is a certain level of godliness in the path of the Just. They place him between Chassidut and the Revival of the dead. However the Tanach does not teach this, although the Holy Spirit has taken this role in the history of redemption. Here, in the text, it is his (Yahwah's) Holy Spirit. We know that Yahwah is Holy and therefore it is no surprise that the Spirit of Yahwah will also be Holy. Since it is His, it is one with him. When the Spirit of Yahwah comes on people they can begin to prophesy words of Elohim.
We move to Isaiah 12:
God is my Yeshua
I will give thanks to thee. O Yahwah…
Behold El is my Yeshua,
I will trust and not be afraid for Yah Yahwah is my strength and song and has become to me Yeshuah."
So here again we see that Yahwah at some point reveals himself as Yeshua which means salvation.
This verse just shows us that El is my Yeshua. This is a song individuals from Israel who receive Yeshua as their great El and Moshia, sing today. It is in the singular because individuals an Israelite remnant are repenting today. When the whole of Israel turns the whole song will be different.
Isaiah 48:15-16
I, even I, have spoken; indeed I have called him,
I have brought him and He will make his ways successful.
Come near to me, Listen to this:
From the first I have not spoken in secret,
From the time that it took place I was there.
And now Adonai Yahwah has sent me,
And his Spirit.
Again the threefold aspect of Elohim is shown.
Let us then love Yahwah as he is, not as we imagine him to be.
We will not repeat all the points about the plurality of the noun Elohim. This was established in our commentary on Moses. However we note that El is a singular noun referring to Yahwah. As contrasted with Elohim which is a plural noun.

The accusation against Christian messengers
Our Rabbis goes on to say, "we see just how deceitful and evil the Christian missionaries are. They prey on the ignorant and the uneducated, by feeding them lies and distortions about G-d and the Messiah"
Here we have a very strong accusation by the Rabbi against people he calls "Christian missionaries".
As Messiah has said " For every idle word a man speaks he will have to give an account for it on the day of judgement" So firstly we can say that the Rabbi will be judged for his accusations. He is upset because he says "Christianity and their fraudulent, missionaries believe that G-d is divided into three parts"
Well we have seen above from Moses and the way G-d revealed himself to him that the main common noun referring to G-d is plural. We find from Isaiah, three roles Father, Saviour, and Holy Spirit and Rabbi Shimon Bar Jochai that there is a revelation of "three steps" or "three heads" in Elohim or in Yahwah. So these teachings are firstly prophetic and secondly shown to originate with the Jewish Rabbis who wrote the Zohar. Since it is claimed that the Zohar contains some secrets of the Torah, our Jewish friend will put the teaching squarely on the head of Moses. So our Christians are really being honest to Moses the prophets and the faithful Rabbis when they teach their revelation of Elohim.

The Way of the Lord Yahuwah

The Way of Yahwah - Israel returning to the Covenant
To Israel and the Nations
Whether we are Israelite or Gentile we are encouraged, urged and required by Yahwah through his prophets on their prophetic authority to walk in and teach our children the way of righteousness and justice. This is the way of Yahwah and the foundation of the throne of Yahwah.
Let us seek to follow this Way and please Yahwah and he will bless us by fulfilling his promises to the forefathers and to us in our generation.
Yahwah promised Abraham "I will make of you a great nation and I will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing. I will bless them that bless you and curse him that curses you and in you will all the families of the earth be blessed…
Now look toward the heavens and count the stars, if you are able to count them…so shall your descendants be"
"Then he believed Yahwah and it was reckoned to him as righteousness"(Torah Ber)
These are not all the promises which Yahwah made to Abraham but these will do to help us understand that we need to practice righteousness and justice if we are to receive our portion of the promises Yahwah made to Abraham.
(2) What then was the foundation of righteousness?
The first thing was that Yahwah acted on Abraham by speaking to him. He commanded him "Get out from your country from your relatives and from your fathers house "We learn immediately here that Yahwah not us is the source of righteousness.
Our first step in the way of righteousness is to listen to the voice of Yahwah to believe it and to do it. Abraham had no scripture to help him, no Torah at that point, nothing but the pure voice of Yahwah and his faith in, and obedience to the voice of Yahwah was a step in the way of righteousness. We need to listen to and obey the voice of Yahwah in order to walk in righteousness. The Torah records that Moses was to tell the sons of Israel
"If you indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant then you shall be my own possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is mine; and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation"
Now we see in the case of Abraham that he obeyed the voice of Yahwah. We may understand that to keep the covenant of Yahwah you will need to listen to the voice of Yahwah. The first thing the voice of Yahwah spoke to the sons of Israel was the covenant. This covenant consists of the 10 Words Yahwah spoke with his voice on the mountain of Horeb. These two authorities the, the living Voice and the Covenant have to be the two highest authorities in Israel indeed in the world. If these are not obeyed then the generation that ignores the voice and refuses to guard the covenant will be a generation that does not inherit the promises of Yahwah gave to Abraham. To keep the covenant and obey the voice of Yahwah is really to practice justice and righteousness. For in practicing justice when the covenant is transgressed is to bring the community back to the walk of righteousness and to guard it.
So we could say that the covenant of 10 Words, practiced is righteousness. You practice it by listening to the Voice of Yahwah from his prophets. However when this covenant is transgressed, the way to return to its righteousness and to guard it, is through justice. So we could say doing the covenant is righteousness and breaking it is transgression, guarding the covenant is to do justice. If these two are lacking then Israel’s festivals (at least 17 of the 613 Mitzvoth and offerings(over 70 of the 613) are unacceptable to Yahwah.
"I hate, I reject your festivals, nor do I delight in your solemn assemblies…take away from me the noise of your songs…But let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an everflowing stream" (Amos). We must always understand Yahwah’s priority is not the signs of the covenant but the practice of the covenant not the shadow of the righteousness and justice, but righteousness itself.
( The Covenant is with all the sons of Israel and the house of Jacob, not just a part of them. So if one group, like Achan’s family, disobey the Voice and break the Covenant, and the rest of the community does not act with justice, as Joshua did with Achan, then the whole community is responsible for the transgression. In the case of Achan it was through the Voice of Yahwah the transgression of the way of Yahwah was discovered and through the Voice of Yahwah the transgressor was discovered.
However only when he confessed with his own mouth was he judged and condemned. This judgement was in accordance with the Torah, for without his confession there would have been no witnesses.
If we look at the time of scattering of Israel (722BCE) and later the time of the exile to Babylon (586BCE), we see that the Voice of Yahwah pointed to specific transgressions of the covenant of 10 Words which Israel and Judah had transgressed as the cause of the scattering and the exile.
Hosea said to Israel before their scattering "Seek me that you may live. But do not resort to Bethel" What was in Bethel? An idol of their own making.
Jeremiah had stated "Do not go after other gods to serve them and to bow down to them and do not provoke me to anger with the work of your hands" Which is clearly referring to Words 1 and 2 of the Covenant)
A voice, like that of Abel’s blood, will cry out to Yahwah to bring justice. While the transgression continues to go unjudged and unpunished, so if the community allows transgression to add to transgression, the cry for justice goes before the throne of Yahwah becoming louder and louder. He will judge according to righteousness.
The Torah, which when understood by the Spirit, is the way to practice righteousness and justice, is ignored by those claiming to uphold it, when really they are undermining the true Torah, the Voice and the Covenant. They do this in order to uphold a Torah of their own making, which they call Oral Torah. (The Oral Torah teaches us many things but where it causes transgression of the covenant or the written Torah the written Torah must take precedence, especially in the land of Israel), so the cry for justice to be executed gets louder and louder.
I will not cover this in detail now but to illustrate some of the transgressions of Torah which the followers of the Gemarah practice. I will list a few:
Commandment 2 of the Covenant does not reject bowing down to and serving men. However the Rabbi’s insist that somehow the Christian practice of bowing down to and serving Yeshua is idolatry. So they refuse what Yahwah permits, and Psalm 72 and Daniel 2 prophesy. When the followers of Messiah do this they ARE IN VERY GOOD COMPANY - because Abraham did this (Gen 18)
Shabbat is reinterpreted from its meaning in order to uphold the dating of Shavuoth which has nothing to do with the written Torah. The day after the seventh Shabbat is clearly a Sunday. (Admittedly this is my opinion and not essential to righteousness)
By establishing the Rabbis as authority , and they continually work against the messengers which Messiah sends to Israel, the Rabbi’s not only refuse to listen to the living voice of Yahwah but forbid their disciples to as well.
(4) by continually blaspheming the name of Yeshua.
And the longer the community doesn’t not act against these covenant breakers, the closer we get to the Day of Yahwah when he himself will send judgement. And for those covenant breakers he will send appropriate punishments, because although in their delusion, they believe they are the guards of Torah, they are really its greatest transgressors. They keep the festivals happily enough and outwardly adorn themselves with Tefillin and Tzitzit and Mezuzahs, these things being dispensable, but justice and righteousness which really determine a man’s relationship with Yahwah, are not only overlooked but in many cases opposed. Oh orthodoxy return to Yahwah’s orthodoxy not your historically convenient one.
A man who listened to the written Torah and returned
We have the example of Josiah. He turned back to Yahwah and so the judgement which was due on his generation because of Manesseh was delayed because of the righteousness and justice practiced by Josiah, but it came on the next generation because they refused Josiah’s ways and transgressed the covenant as it is written.
"Woe to him who builds his house without righteousness and his upper rooms without justice" (Jer 22).
The Profaners of Yahwah’s name.
"For three transgressions of Judah and for four I will not revoke it (punishment)
Because they rejected the Torah of Yahwah and have not kept his statutes;
Their lies have led them astray,
Those after which their father walked
So I will send fire upon Judah and I will consume the citadels of Jerusalem"
For three transgressions of Israel and for four I will not revoke it’s (punishment)..
Because they sell the righteous for money and the needy for a pair of sandals….
Also turn aside the way of the humble….
In order to profane my name."
Amos prophesied around 800 years before Messiah the Humble One was rejected by the nation. We are writing 1970 years after the rejection of Messiah, the Righteous One, but the transgressions are the same. Israel is watching violent covenant breakers transgress the dictates of righteousness, break the covenant to support their wrong path and cause cries of distress to go up from the righteous. Nevertheless despite the profaning of the name of Hashem these transgressors bring, Yahwah is faithful to the messianic afflicted remnant and to those who are needy.
Those who stole the Torah scroll from the Roi Israel congregation in Rechavia in June 2000, are transgressors not only of the Torah but also of the covenant of Sinai. They transgress the word of the covenant "Thou shalt not steal".
(If justice is not done, then the community is guilty of not guarding the covenant. Hence after a time the whole community will be judged personally by Yahwah and only the blameless righteous will escape.)
They are also guilty of profaning the name of Hashem, for every act of violence against the innocent sheep of the Messiah the Shepherd, is a transgression against the righteousness of Yahwah, exemplified by Abraham the father of the faithful. These violent, lawless activities immediately get reported around the world and provoke prayer to Yahwah that he vindicate his great name against these covenant breakers the torahless ones. A cry goes up that they might turn from their wicked ways back to the pleasant ways of Yahwah recorded in the scriptures.
The afflicted messianic congregation and the followers of Messiah the Despised One are also the righteous who are sold for money and the needy for a pair of sandals"
How is this? Well a few years ago and over the last few years they have been the subject of constant persecution by such groups as the "Yad Lachim" and other anti messianic organisations. These organisations keep a form of Torah, keeping their festivals, keeping their shabbats, keeping their religious practices, but they transgress the whole point of the Torah, to practice righteousness and justice. They burn down the houses of the messianic believers and even the Tents of Mercy up in Kiryat Yam. The congregation help incoming immigrants with clothing and food and bring many back to Yahwah, through return preached in the name of the Messiah Yeshua the Abhored One, who is hated without a cause.
So Yahwah said He looked for justice but behold bloodshed, for righteousness, but behold a cry of distress"
These transgressors of the Torah of Yahwah, do their violent terrorist acts in secret and some are paid for them. They seek to deceive the righteous in order to harm them. They do not set up a courts and establish a testimony against whom they see as idolaters, have them judged according to Torah, but they act in violence and secrecy, burning the house of the righteous which contains Torah’s and Tanach’s in Hebrew. Hence they are burning the name of Yahwah, and breaking and ignoring the Torah which says regarding the gods of the nations of Canaan "you shall utterly overthrow them" and regarding Yahwah "You shall serve Yahwah your God"
Now how is breaking the covenant and committing violent acts of injustice, with no court and no trial serving Yahwah God of Israel?
It is not! This demonstrates pure blindness and shows absolute ignorance of Torah and Yahwah. The word to Coniah son of Josiah belongs to these people
"Did not your father eat and drink and do justice and righteousness?
Then it was well with him.
He pled the cause of the afflicted and needy"
"Do justice and righteousness and deliver the one who has been robbed from the power of the oppressor. Also do not mistreat or do violence to the stranger, the orphan, the widow and do not shed innocent blood in this place"
"But if you will not obey these words, I swear by myself declares Yahwah, that this house will; become a desolation…For I will set apart destroyers against you, each with his weapons, and they will cut down your choicest cedars" Jeremiah.
Now these transgressors who burn down the houses and synagogues and churches of Messianic and reform or conservative Jews do not plead the cause of the afflicted and needy but are the cause of their affliction and their need. If the stranger is not to be mistreated how much more the sons of Israel, your own flesh and blood?
For when immigrants were coming in from persecution and suffering from places difficult for Israelites to live in, places such as Ohel Rachamim, helped them to settle in the land. Not for pay or reward but for the glory of Yahwah and to sanctify his name and to turn people to righteousness. These people came here with few resources and little knowledge of Yahwah. When they got here the Messianic believers did not begin to put on them the yolk of a made up Torah, a burden heavy to bare, but they began to teach them the covenant of Yahwah , the ten words Yahwah spoke on Sinai. They began to teach them in the way of righteousness, through repentance taking them from no knowledge of Yahwah, to knowledge of Yahwah. They taught them how to pray, how to love Yahwah, how to glorify Yahwah, through the praise of Psalms of praise, hymns of thanksgiving and spiritual songs.
Not to praise with malice and hatred but without guile in the integrity of their heart.
Oh how pleased Yahwah is with this type of praise and service.
But these covenant transgressors who refuse to return to Yahwah, began to burn down their houses. For money they would spy on the innocent sheep of Yahwah to cause them distress. And so Israel becomes a place where Yahwah looked for justice but behold bloodshed, for righteousness but behold a cry of distress"(Is 5)
However, I want to emphasize that these protagonists of wickedness who carry hatred for truth in their bosom still have the way of repentance open to them through the Messiah Yeshua the Abhorred One. They can be freely forgiven of all their transgression by the blood of Yeshua, which has with in it the power of forgiveness and atonement. They can then begin to walk again in the covenant of Yahwah, not with the stone hard heart they have within them now. But with a new heart, a new spirit and Yahwah’s Spirit which will teach them the way of Yahwah in truth.
"I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my Chuqqim and Mishpatim"

The Cost of the refusal to Return
However while they refuse, the wrath of God is being stored up against them in every profanation of the name of Yahwah they cause. Every time the story of their evil deeds is retold among the righteous of the nations, and every prayer which goes up for justice and protection for the righteous of Israel, will stand against them on the day of their death and until the day of their death. They will have no place in the world to come even if they wear Tefillin and Tzitzit every day of their rebellious lives.
Let the wicked turn back to Yahwah today, if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts. Do not be among those who "think lightly of the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?
But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant hearts you are storing up wrath for yourself in the day of wrath and the revelation of the righteous judgement of God who will render to every man according to his deeds" (Romans)
I say to you who are the transgressors of the Ten words and the Voice of Yahwah, who refuse the covenant of Yahwah in truth
" Be warned and flee from the wrath to come and bring forth fruits in keeping with repentance and do not begin to say to yourselves, We have Abraham for our father for I say to you that God is able from these stones to raise up children to Abraham. And the axe is already laid to the root of the trees; every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire" (John the Baptiser)
Then there are those who do not agree with the wicked ways of Yad Lachim (which in a little while will be no more), but have power to do good, justice and righteousness but do not do it.
In Israel it is all for one and one for all. You are responsible for the covenant and it’s protection also. When these transgressors act do you support the afflicted?
Do you begin to plead the cause of the needy as did Josiah?
Do you remember the covenant of brotherhood?
Or have you to rejected the Torah of Yahwah?
You may not be among those "Who distress the righteous, accept bribes and turn aside the poor in the gate" (Amos)
But you may be the "prudent person who keeps silent for it is an evil time"
You need then seek good and not evil, that you may live.
Pray for the persecuted minorities.
Do not be silent for the time will come when these violent men will turn on you, listen to the example of Esther.
Store up for yourselves righteousness against the day of the glory of Yahwah.
Turn to Yahwah listen to his Messiah and seek the cause of justice.
The voice of Yahwah
The question is now how does Yahwah speak to the Israel and the nations?
Obedience to Yahwah’s voice, is a requirement of all nations including Israel, indeed primarily to Israel, since their father Abraham taught them how to listen.
It is written
"God speaks once or twice, yet no one notices it.
In a dream, a vision of the night, when sound sleep falls on men,
While they slumber in their beds
Then he opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction"
It is also written:
"Hear now my words,
If there is a prophet among you
I Yahwah, shall make myself known to him in a vision.
I shall speak with him in a dream.
Not so my servant Moses, He is faithful in all my household
With him I speak mouth to mouth,
Even openly and not in dark sayings
And he beholds the form of Yahwah" (Torah)
So we can see at least two ways Yahwah speaks to mankind. Clearly and through the dark saying s of a dream. This applies to people as well as prophets. When we reach the Moses level of revelation it is a mouth to mouth face to face revelation, above the normal level of prophecy.
We see that Yahwah makes himself known to the prophet, through the dream.
So the scripture teaches us "today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion".
So a soft, willing, responsive heart is needed if we are to walk in the way of righteousness.
As in the case of Abraham, however, when Yahwah commands something by his voice we need to obey him. When Yahwah promises something by his voice we are to believe him. This is what was credited to Abram as righteousness.
Abraham would have taught his children both these ways of righteousness.
Calling on the name of Yahwah.
Another righteous activity is that of calling on the name of Yahwah. This first occurred in the time of Enosh. He was the grandson of Abraham and it is written "and he called his name Enosh. And then men began to call on the name of Yahwah." Torah
Abraham also called on the name of Yahwah and this would have been one of the practices of righteousness, which Abraham would have taught his children. We call on the name of Yahwah rather than calling on the name of some idol or false deity. This then ties into Word one of the 10 words
"I am Yahwah your God… you shall have no other gods besides me."
An appropriate question then is what does it mean to call on the name of Yahwah?
Well Abraham first called on the name of Yahwah after he had built an altar to Yahwah. He did this at a mountain east of Bethel and pitched his tent and called on the name of Yahwah.
He went away on some travels and returned later to the same place and again he called on the name of Yahwah. So the calling on the name was linked at that time to a specific mountain and location where Abraham has built an altar. We note carefully that we are seeing the examples of people who called on the name of Yahwah not on Yahwah himself, unless the name of Yahwah is synonymous with Yahwah.
We see that calling on the name of Yahwah is also linked with salvation and precedes the day of Yahwah for Joel says "And it will come about that whoever calls on the name of Yahwah will be delivered , for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be those who escape".
So when we call on the name of Yahwah we will be delivered.
We can ask from what we will be delivered? And it is from the troubles of the days of judgement. The righteous are preserved for calling on the name of Yahwah is a righteous act because he is the true God and eternal life. Calling on some other name is an act of unrighteousness and needs repentance.
The word call, in Hebrew, is "qara" and means to cry out, to call aloud, to roar, to proclaim, to summon.
So we need to cry out to Yahwah. The purpose of the temple was to have a place for Yahwah’s name to dwell, and Yahwah’s eyes were on that place and everyone who prayed toward that place, Solomon prayed, would meet special favour and have their prayers answered. This was a key element in the mission of The House to bring many nations to worship Yahwah. They would come to the House and pray to Yahwah. He would answer them and they would go back to their nation and declare the great works of Yahwah.
The action of calling, took place in the beginning of the messianic community in Jerusalem.3 When Peter first preached the gospel he quoted Joel regarding men calling on the name of Yahwah.
Peter stated " Every one who calls on the name of Yahwah shall be saved"
Repent and let each of you be baptised in the name of Yehoshua ha Mashiach for the forgiveness of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit….Be saved from this perverse generation"
So how were they to be saved?
There action was repentance and submission to baptism in the name of Yehoshua ha Mashiach"
With these two actions they received forgiveness of sin, which means they would be righteous in Yahwah’s sight. They also received the Holy Spirit who would begin to work on the inside of these people to increase the level of their righteousness and to spread righteousness to the ends of the earth.
"The Kingdom of God is not a matter of meat and drink but of righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." Romans "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things (food, drink and clothing) will be added unto you. (Yeshua )
So here to call on Yahwah was repentance and baptism in the name of Yehoshua the Nazarene.
This is the beginning of the way of righteousness. For Yehoshua said of John that he came in the way of righteousness and he also said to John at his baptism
"Permit it to be so for now so that we can fulfil all righteousness." So note that Yehoshua came to fulfil all righteousness not a partial righteousness.
Now if John came in the way of righteousness we can learn from him for teaching our children in the way of righteousness.
So what did John do in his way?
He proclaimed return. He told all people to return to God and to bear fruit befitting repentance. So we can teach our children and our friends how to repent. How to continually turn to God in times of trouble. How to understand that if they sin Yahwah is forgiving and accepts back those who fall or fail and repent.
He taught the people to share their surplus property with those in the community who had needs. If you have two cloaks and your brother has none, give the extra one to your brother. He also taught those who had food to share with this who did not. This all tied with the Isaiah 58 fast.
He proclaimed a judgement day on fruitless trees and warned people not to rely on their physical heritage as safe grounds before Yahwah. If they bore no fruit Yahwah would cut them down, physical seed of Abraham or not. This is historically factual in Israel. God is moved to bless when Israel practised righteousness and justice. He reproved even leaders for their transgressions of righteousness, through transgressions of the Torah.
I assure you being circumcised on the eighth day will not help you one iota if you have a stone heart and uncircumcised ears ( see King Saul). I also assure you that putting on Tefillin and wearing Tzitzit which are there to remind you of the covenant and the Torah will not help you one iota, if you are a thieving, adulterer, who curses, steals, covets his neighbour’s possessions, bears false witness against his Messianic neighbour and blasphemes the name of Jesus (Yeshua, Yehoshua the Son of God) and the Holy Spirit.
On the day of God’s wrath, breaking the covenant will not be forgiven because you wore Tzizit and Tefillin and can recite Torah by heart. What is there to remind you does not replace that which it is there to remind you of.
A king once gave his son a watch to remind him that at 7 am every morning he should go out to the gate and do justice and righteousness. The King then told his son I am leaving for about a month. Remember at Seven o clock every morning be ready at the gate to judge the people. If you wear the watch you will not forget. After a month the king did not return. The son began to over sleep. After a number of years the son forgot about judging the people and
used to sleep until 9-o clock. He went about just having a good time and making sure everyone did just as he said and became very careful to be dressed just as he thought a king should be dressed. Then he had a son. When his son grew up he passed on the watch. He told his son it is very important that you wear this watch. Because my father before he left gave me this watch. By it you can tell the time and all will know you are my son.
After a number of years the king returned. And he waited at the gate at 7-o clock. And he waited all day and his son nor his son’s son never came. He went to the palace and asked his son’s son. Why didn’t you come at 7-o clock? The grandson replied. "Come where for what?"
Such is the position of he who wears Tzitzit and does not do righteousness.
(iv) He taught the career people to do their jobs honestly. A righteous tax collector collects only what he is ordered to. The soldiers are also given wise counsel as to how to act righteously as soldiers. "Do not take money from anyone by force, or accuse anyone falsely, and be content with your wages. So all in their various careers could fulfil their careers honestly. We need to teach these things to our children and friends.
(v) He preached the good news of repentance and forgiveness of sins to the people. However although he was filled with the Holy Spirit from birth he did not have the power to baptise others in the Holy Spirit.
He taught humility by example by only doing his work and pointing to Yehoshua as the one who would empower the people to walk in the fullness of righteousness through the Holy Spirit.
He taught his disciples how to pray. We need also to teach our children and friends how to pray.
So it is that today you are called to repentance. To forgiveness of your sins forever in the name of the Messiah Yehoshua the Nazarene. You are called to receive the Holy Spirit and to begin to do acts of righteousness and bear the fruit of repentance. You are called to pray, to share, and to give to the poor. And all this as in the sight of Yahwah, not man. In short you are called back to the Torah of Yahwah not the Torah of men. Not because you are good but because Yahwah is merciful.
Here is a prayer to help you in returning to the pathway of Yahwah:
Heavenly Father, who made the heavens, the earth , the sea and all that in them is,
Grant us according to your riches in glory that we might
be strengthened with might by your Spirit in the inner man.
That Messiah may dwell in our hearts through faith (emunah),
That we being rooted and grounded in love
May together with all the Chodeshim (saints) be able to comprehend
The length and the breadth and the height and the depth
And to know the love of Messiah that surpasses knowledge
That we may be filled with all the fullness of God
Now to you oh Yahwah
Who are able to do exceedingly, abundantly above
All that we can ask or imagine through the power at work in us
To you be glory in the Kehilat (Church) through Messiah Yeshua,
Throughout all ages world with out end Amen.
And finally a daily prayer which will help lead you to truth.
Heavenly Father, Sanctify your name. Your will be done in my life
May I go where you want me to go, see what you want me to see,
Hear what you want me to hear, live as you want me to live
Love as you want me to love and walk as you want me to walk
Your will be done in my life today, I bind, break and destroy any plan, scheme or work
Of the evil one, of the devil which would seek to hinder your will being done in my life
Today, in the name of Yeshua the Messiah Amen.

The Promise I was Given

The Promise I was given.
Get out from your country from your kindred, from your fathers house, to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation and I will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing, I will bless them that bless you and curse him that curses you, and I you will all the nations of the earth bless themselves.
Now Yahwah had said to Abram.
From your country, your kindred and your fathers house.
"And it came about when God caused me to wander from my father’s house….everywhere we go say of me "He is my brother""
I was born and brought up in Great Britain. I was born in London, England, on February the 8th 1965. On October the 15th 1995, I was on my knees in the back of a church in Blackpool, England. I was worshipping Yahwah and was in ectasy. Then I wondered to myself: Why am I so satisfied? The answer came from the Holy Spirit "Because I am about to speak to you". Then the minister got up and prayed a prayer and read the call of Abram recorded hear. I wondered to myself "Why would God say this to me.
On November 29th 1995, I was seated in Manchester, in a Pentecostal Bible college, with a preacher called Geroge, teaching us on Henry 8th and Thomas Cranmer and the start of the Church if England. He made some comments to which I responded. He then read Genesis 12:1-3 as recorded above. He then preached on that instead of teaching on his topic the Church of England.
On February 1st 1996, I was in a service in the Bible School of Swansea Wales. I had been officially accepted into that school, that day. I was sent there from Manchester when the Spirit told me to "Move to Swansea I will do the rest" on Tuesday 23rd Jan 1996. My testimony was that I was called to Muslims and I had received Gen 12:1-3 as recorded above. The missionary speaker was Martin from a group called frontiers. A group specifically called to ministry to Muslims. He preached on Genesis 12:1-3 and Gen 11which is the list of the 70 nations whose seed now fill the earth. So he spoke on the passage the Holy Spirit had given me twice. He then had a word of knowledge saying Yahwah wanted to speak to one young man in particular who was sat on the left. I went to him afterwards and said "I know you spoke on my badge (Gen 12:1-3) and you are called to Muslims, and you had a word of knowledge" All of this thoroughly impressed me. But I said " The Lord keeps speaking to me about the Macedonian call of Paul". He said "Maybe he is giving you a Macedonian call" I said "What do you mean?" He said that when he became a missionary the lord had said to him "I’m giving you a Macedonian call" His friend had then called him on the phone and said "Martin I don’t know what this means but the Lord says "Macedonian call"
I was amazed and ran to my bag where I had a book called "The challenge of the Macedonian call", I had been carrying it around for a couple of days. The Lord had been speaking so clearly about it. I then saw a copy of the mission’s pamphlet. The title was "The Challenge". So I was amazed with five "Godincidences" coming together in one session.
So I had left England my country of birth on January 23rd 1996 a Tuesday. After the Bible college I went to various Christian camps one called Hillsborough, in Northern Ireland near Belfast(A bomb exploded the day I arrived after a two year cease fire(no connection).
Then I went to Eagle camp at Lackham, near Calne in Wiltshire. Yahwah had spoken to me about this camp firstly on february 17th 1996. He gave me four words, "Camper Lackem Anha Yshem" I asked Mr Richard Mayton where Lackam Camp was. He told me it was in Calne in Wilstshire. I went there with the expectation to meet a camper called "Anha Yshem". Yahwah gave me a dream where I saw the face of an Asian girl with long black hair and some greek writing on a tombstone. I was also given a flash of a greek word "Iota".
So I went to the Camp expecting to meet this Asian girl with long black hair, whose name was Anha Yshem. Well I went to the camp. There was only one Asian girl on the campsite, with long black hair. Her name was Christina and she had a call to Muslims. How did we meet? I was in a service with a preacher called Jonathan. He prayed for me "Lord may he see what he came here to see". Well she was standing in front of me in the tent. He prayed for her and she fell into my arms. I laid her to the ground. A man told me to pray for her, so I did. Afterwards I spoke with her and she told me her name was Christina. And she was called to Muslims. She had been ministering out in Marseille, france among the North Africans. I spent lunch with her and her Korean mother. I then went to my room to ponder how this fitted with whom I was supposed to meet.
Well I pondered and on the surface the name Anha Yshem and Christina have no connection. However when I looked a little bit further the riddle was explained. The bible was written in two languages. Hebrew and Greek. Hebrew is written from right to left and Greek from left to right. So if we read the letters Anha Yshem in the hebrew way we get Mesyah na. Which is in English transliteration Messiah na. We put this next to Christina and the only difference is the I, which in Greek would be IOTA, the word I was given also before I arrived. So the name I was given and the name the girl bore could be seen as the same name. Then my question was, "Why did I meet her?" I went through many wonderings, errors and corrections from Yahwah on this point. The summary was I had to give her Isaiah 62 and where it says "You shall be called by a new name that the mouth of Yahwah would bestow. The new name the Spirit told me to give here was Hannah. This was also a name I was given before I arrived at the camp. Hannah in the Old testament was a women of prayer. In the New Testament Anna which is the same name in Greek, was also an intercessor. Christina said she was an intercessor and received the name as did her parents.
So the army of Yahwah which he will use to bring in the Muslim harvest was encouraged. And we need them brought in because the spirit of Islam is wreaking havoc among the nations all over the world. Fulfilling that word spoken over Ishmael. "His hand will be against everyone".
After the truly amazing events of that camp I moved on to Stoneleigh camp and helped in a bookshop. I then went to a WEC camp, where I met a person from Dundee, Scotland. I left the camp and returned to London and was given the scripture to remain in Jerusalem until endowed with power and the promise of the Father was given. Through dreams I then moved to Dundee, Scotland, in October.
I had a dream during the last camp of being in a Church and it being somehow linked with the Dundonian I met on the camp. Well in Dundee, the Pastor of the full gospel Church arranged for me to stay in the room with the Assembly of God, minister. It was also exactly the same street that the friend I met in the Camp lived on. I later moved into the AOG Church as in the Dream.
I stayed in Dundee from November to the next September 3rd when I left to Denmark. So I left the British finally. I had already left my father’s house and kindred, now you could say I had left the country.
I stayed in Denmark for a year and a bit. I travelled to India overland visiting believer in Pakistan where I preached in four Christian colonies. I also visited the tombs of Daniel, Esther and Mordechai in Iran. I visited the sight of the Church of Antioch where the believers were first called Christians. I learned many things in this trip.
Around October I got a sense through dreams that I would be leaving the organisation I was attached to in Denmark. Yahwah had blessed me with fellowship with a wonderful Church called Amager Christian Centre a mixed congregation with Phillipino’s Danes and others. A very gracious leader called Joseph and the Spirit gave me grace in his eyes. I considered working with him on an English speaking magazine. However Yahwah changed the plan.

To the land that I will show you
"I am Yahwah who brought you out of Ur of Chaldeans to give you this land to inherit"
Now lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward and westward for all the land which you see, I will give it to you and your descendants forever"
It happened on this wise. I went to visit my friend, Kerstin, in Sweden, over my Christmas holidays. We met for the first time in perhaps 8 years. I was planning to leave from here to go to London for Christmas. However my flight reference was "MY 6666" I decided I wasn’t going to get that flight. I perceived in my Spirit that Yahwah was speaking to me through the number.
That night, December 20th 1998, a new moon, I had an amazing dream. I went flying high high high into the sky. It was night time and I went really high. I came to a place and a voice said to me "You will go somewhere for 7 days, then you will return, then you will go back for 7 years. Go and help the Charismatic Church". Now we all know the words of the Macedonian call of the Apostle Paul. He saw a man in a vision saying "Come over and help us". Well this was not exactly the same but the phrase help is in both visions. And Paul was going to a place where there was no church. Clearly I was being sent to a place where there was a Church. Well as is my custom, I prayed to Yahwah to give me a scripture to go with the dream. "So David gave orders to gather the foreigners who were in the land of Israel, and he set stone cutters to hew out stones to build the house of God"…And David said "My Son Solomon is young and inexperienced , and the house to be built for Yahwah shall be exceedingly magnificent, famous and glorious, throughout all lands. Therefore now I will make preparation for it"
After this I said to myself "May be I am going to Israel for Christmas". The next day, the Monday I pray that Yahwah would lead me to the right flight, which to me was the cheapest! Well I found a flight and flew, on December 22nd 1998. I arrived in Israel the day after Hanukah was complted, which is the feast of the Dedication of the second temple. So I went for one week to Israel. As I understood I was spying out the land. I arrived to Ovda, an airport in the wilderness in the south 1 hour from Eilat. I arrived at night time so it was like in the dream. I met an African guy in the street who gave me a room , for nothing for the whole week. I headed north to Jerusalem after a couple of days in Eilat. In Jerusalem. I spent Christmas at Mount Zion fellowship and went to the real Mount Zion and prophesied, with a friend. I then returned to Sweden, from there I went to Denmark and said good bye. And from there to England. Where I was moved on the principle, that which is functionless must become functional, so I gave away a lot of my books. Then on, January 17th, I flew into Ovda again. The next day I moved to Jerusalem.
Here I was in a land that Yahwah had shown me. The rest of this paper is about what some of the scripture says about the promises Yahwah has given me.
I will make of you a great nation
What is a great nation?
"Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, since Abraham will surely become a great and populous nation, and in him all the nations of the earth will be blessed?
For I have chosen him in order that he may command his children and his after him to keep the way of Yahwah by doing righteousness and justice; in order that Yahwah may bring on Abraham what he has spoken about him"
Abraham was an intercessor who believed in justice and righteousness
"And Abraham came near and said "Wilt thou indeed sweep away the righteous and the wicked?
Suppose there are fifty righteous with in the city; wilt thou indeed sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of fifty who are in it?
Far be it from thee to do such a thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous and wicked are treated alike. Far be it from thee. Shall not the judge of all the earth do justice (Mishpat)?
So Yahwah said if I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare the whole place on their account"
Abraham inteceded through 45,40, 30, 20 and down to 10.
Abraham pleased Yahwah because he interceded on behalf of the city and the grounds of his intercession was the justice of Yahwah and the righteous people of the city.
Now the Church is made up of righteous people. We in Messiah have become the righteousness of God, are we not then the ground of inercession to save so much destruction about to come upon this nation and the nations?
Lot showed respect to the men or angels by bowing down to them, as did Abraham when he saw all three of them. This respect to Yahwah and his messengers must be the first level of righteousness.
Lot also showed himself righteous by hospitality to the strangers, As did Abraham. He insisted these strangers have a place to sleep and something to eat. In the same way they who received the disciples of Messiah received the blessing of the Kingdom of God by showing hospitality to the disciples who were also angels or messengers. How are we treating strangers in Jerusalem, in our nations?
The righteous show bow to Yahwah and his messengers and show hospitality to strangers and they insist on it.
The wicked abuse strangers for the men of Sodom came to have relations with the Angels and Lot said do no do wickedly.
Lot showed righteousness by trying to protect his guests. These guests had come under the shadow of his roof, his covering.
Through Lot, his whole family was saved. They were given opportunity to escape from the destruction of the town. The righteous saves all in his house hold. He listens to the voice of God’s messengers and takes heed of the warning. As did the early church of Yeshua’s warning of the destruction of Jerusalem. They moved to the countryside of Gilead and Bashan, during the Roman war in 66 to 70 AD.
Why were the angels going to destroy Sodom?
"Because the outcry has become so great before Yahwah that Yahwah has sent to destroy it"
What is the prestn outcry against Jerusalem? What is the present outcry against this land?
Who are the present Abrahmic intercessors?
The message of the angels went through righteous lot, who was an alien in Sodom, to his family. Some listened some did not. Thos how listend were saved , those who laughed, and did not heed , were caught up in the destruction. The righteous tells his family the message of Yahwah.
The righteous had the compassion of Yahwah upon him so even if he hesitates Yahwah will help him."
In judgement is not the message
"Escape for your life ! Do not look behind you , do not stay anywhere in the valley, escape to the mountains, lest you be swept away"?
As it was in the days of Lot so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man.
When I had visited Swansea Bible college and returned to Blackpool, I realised I was being sent to Swansea. I asked Yahwah When? The next morning I was given a dream. After I asked him when, I felt the Spirit of Yahwah come upon me to prepare me for the message. The next morning I dreamt that I was in a Christian meeting. Suddenly men with Nazi flags walk into the room and blocked all exits. The flags were red white and blue. I shouted "oh no"! I ran up to the Nazi’s and shouted "In the name of Jesus I bind you" Then something like a drop of watered put me outside the building and a voice said flee for your life. Then the Spirit continued to speak saying go and do not come back. At that time I was living in living stone road Blackpool. I left that house and town that day. Our deliverance is in following the voice of the Holy Spirit.
The righteous had his prayer requests answered. Lot asked for the small town to escape to and his request was granted. He saved the lives of the people of that town as a result. The righteous then brings the blessing of life with him.
Abraham got rich by God giving him favour with men they blessed with gifts. Yahwah spoke to Abimelch in a dream about Abraham and taught him that Abraham was a prophet and could pray for him. Abimelech gave him sheep , oxen and male and famale servants, land and a 1000 shekels.
What did Abraham teach his children in accordance with the word above?
(1) He taught them to call on the name of Yahwah the Everlasting God.
(2) He taught his Son to offer burnt offerings
He taught his sons to prostrate (shacah), bow down
He taught his Son that God will provide.
He taught his son how to build an altar.

And I will bless you
"And Melchizedek, King of Salem brought out bread and wine; now he was priest of God most High and he blessed him and said
"Blessed be Abram of God Most High
Possessor of heaven and earth and blessed be God Most High
Who has delivered your enemies into your hand"
And he gave him a tenth of all"
"And I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth so that if any one can number the dust of the earth then your descendants can also be numbered " Gen13
Do not fear Abram, I am a shield to you
Your reward shall be very great" Gen 15
Now look toward the heavens and count the stars, if you are able to count them…so shall your descendants be"
Then he believed in Yahwah and he reckoned it to him as righteousness" Gen15
I am El Shaddai , walk before me and be complete
And I will establish my covenant between me and you and I will multiply you exceedingly.
And Abraham fell on his face, and god talked to him saying
As for me, Behold my covenant is with you,
And you shall be the father of a multitude og gotim.
No longer shall you be called Abram,
But your name shall be Abraham;
For I will make you the father of a multitude of goim"
And I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of you
And kings shall come forth from you.
And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your seed
After you through their generations for an everlasting covenant,
To be God to you and your descendants after you.
And I will give to you and your descendants after you
The land of your sojournings
All the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession
And I will be their God"
As for Sarai your wife
"I will bless her and indeed give you a son by her.
Then I will bless her and she shall be
A mother of goim.
Kings of people shall come from her.
…Sarah your wife will bear you a son and you shall call his name Isaac
and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant
for his seed after him.
"And as for Ishmael I have heard you, behold I will bless him
and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly
he shall become the father of twelve princes
and I will make him a great nation
But my covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah
Will bear to you…
And make your name great
And you shall be a blessing
I will bless them that bless you
And curse him that curses you
And in you will all the nations of the earth bless themselves.