Beit Yahuwah: Journal of the Charismatic Church

This Journal aims to increase the prostration to and service of Yahuwah, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit in all the earth, to bring glory to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through the encouragement here contained the Church may rise up to her calling to govern and judge the world in Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Beginning of Toldot Yeshu

Codex Strasbourg Jewish Counter Gospel

“Jesus was despised and rejected of men” Isaih 53
“Thus says Yaua the redeemer of Israel, and his holy one, to him whom man despiseth. Isa 49.

1 The beginning of the birth of Yeshua. In the six hundre and seventy first year of the fouth millenium (c 90B.C.), in the days of Janneus the king, a great misfortune happened to Israel; when there arose a certain idle and duterous man from the fallen stock of the tribe of Judah, whose name was Yoseph Pantera …He lived at Bethlehem of Judah. Now nigh unto his house dwelt a widow, and she had a daughter called Miriam( W)…

His mother was Miraim ( a daughter) of Israel.

And she had a betrothed of the kingly seed, of the house of David; and his name was John.

And he was learned in the llaw, and feared heaven greatly.

Now overgainst the door of her house (there dwelt a man) of fair appearance (a warrior), Yoseph the son of Pandera: He cast his eye upon her…

When he heard this, straightway he percieved that Yoseph the son of Pandera had cast his eays upon her, and that he had done this deed. He left her…

(He rose early) and went unto Rabban Simeon the son of Shetach.

He said unto him, Know then (what has befallen) me this night with my betrothed.

17 Rabban Simeon the son of Shetach said unto him, Who was laid on your heart? He said to him, The son of Pandera, for he is near her house and a seeker after fornication.

He said unto him, I know that you have no witnesses in this matter, therefore keep silence, I counsel you; If he has entered once, then it must be that he will enter a second time. That time you must act according to your wisdom, and let witnesses watch him.

After some time it was noised abroad in the city that Miriam was with child.

Then said John her betrothed, Not by me is she with child. Shall I stay here and hear my reproach every day from the children of men. So he went away to Babylon.

21 And after (some time she bore) a son and they called his name Yeshua after the name of his mothers brother, [but his dispicableness was revealed they called him Yeshu].

22 His mother brought him before a teacher that he might become [ enlightened (in the Halacha) ] learned in the law [and the Talmud].

23 [ Now it was the custom of the disciples of the wise that neither youth nor lad should pass by the way without his head being covered and his eyes toward the ground out of respect of the disples for their masters.

24 But on a certain day that wicked one passed by while the rabbi’s were seated in a body at the gate of the synagogue, so they called the assembly for searching the scriptures; that wicked one did pass by in front of our masters with erect stature and uncovered head, saluting no one, but with shameless forehead exposing himself to his master.

25 Then answered one of them, and said, He is a mamtza. And another said, Both a mamtza and a son of a women in her seperation.]

26 Now on a certain day the rabbis were debating [the tractate Nezikhin]; then began he to utter halachoth before them.

27 Then said one of them to him, Have you not heard that everyone that recites a halacha in the presence of his mater is worthy of death?

28 He said to that wise man, Who is the master, and who is the disciple? And which of the two is wiser, Moses or Jethro? Was it not Moses, the father of the prophets and the chief of the wise men. Moreover the torah witnesses concerning him.: And there arose not since in Israel like unto Moses.

29 Jethro was an alien …yet he dictated to Moses tight conduc, accrding to the saying:And set over them rulers of thousands and rulers of hundreds.
30 But if you therefore say that Jethro was greater than Moses (then would there be an end) to his greatness.
31 Now whem the sages heard this they said, Since he is so very shameless, let us make inquistion concerning him.
32 They sent to his mother, saying , Tell us, who was the father of this lad?
33 She answered and said. (He is the son of my husband John, who hath left me and gone away to Babylon, and I know not what hath become of him).
34 They answered her, saying …[Why do they witness converning him that he is a mamtzer and the son of a women in her seperation]?
35 Then answered Rabban Simeon the son of Shetach, This day is it thrity years since John her betrothed came unto me; at that time he said, This and that has befallen me.
36 And what Rabban Simeon answered John, and how for great shame he left her and went to Babylon and returned no more.
37 And this Miriam hath borne this Yeshu.
38 And there is no judgement of death upon her, for she did it not wittingly; but Joseph the son of Pandera sought occasion for fornication every day.
39 Now when she heard from Rabbi Simeon that there was no judgement of death on her, then answered she also and said, So was the matter, and she declared it.
40 But after the saying converning Yeshu was spread abroad : [for they said of him, he is a bastard and the son of a women in her seperation and worthy of death], he went forth and fled to Jerusalem.
Chapter 2 Yeshu in Jerusalem

1 Now the reul of all Israel was in the hand of a woman, and here name was Helene.
2 And in the temple was a foundation stone [which being interpreted , Yah founded it, and this is the stone which Jacob anointed with oil], and on it were graven the letters of the Ineffable name.
3 And who ever learned them could do whatsoever he would.
4 But whereas the sages feared that the young men of Israel would learned them, and thereby destroy the world, they took steps that shouls not be possible to learn them.

5 Dogs of brass were bound to two pillars of iron at the gate of the place of burnt- offerings, so that whosoever enttered and leanrt the letters, as soon as he went forth the bayed at him: if he then looked at them the letters wnet forth from his mind.

6 Then came Yeshu and learned them, and wrote upon parchment and cut open his thigh and laid the parchment with those letters therein; so that the cutting of his flesh pained him not. And he restored the flesh to its place.

7 And as he went forth the dogs of the pillars bayed at him, and the letters went forth from his mind.
8 He went into his house , and cut into his flesh with a knife, and lifte out the writing and learnt the leters.
9 Then went he forth and gathered together three hundred and ten of the young men of Israel.
10 He said to them, You see them who which say concerning me, [a bastardand a son of a women in her seperation]; they desire greatness for themselves and seek to exercise lordship in Israel.
11 Have you not seen that all the prophets prophesied, concerning the Mashiach of God, and I am the Mashiach.
12 And concerning me Isaiah prophesied, and said, Behold, the virgin shall concieve, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
13 And, again, David my ancestor prophesied converning me, and said, Yaua said unto me, You are my son; this day have I begotten you.
14 He begat me without a male lying with (my mother); yet they call me a mamtzer.
15 And again he prophesied, Why do the nations rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against Yaua, and aginst his anointed.
16 I am the Messiah, and them that withstand me are the children of whoredoms. For so saith the scripture, For they be the children of whoredoms.
17 Then answered him the young men, If you are the Messiah, show us a sign.
18 He said unto them, What sign seek ye of me that I should do for you?
19 Straightway they brought unto him a lame man, that never yet had stood upon his feet. He spoke over him the letters, and he rose upon his feet.
20 In that hour they all worshipped him, and said This is the Messiah.
21 Again he performed for them another sign.
22 They brought unot him a leper, and he spek over him the letters (and laid his hand on him), and he was healed.
23 There joined themselves unto him the insurgest of his people.

Chapter 3

1 Now when the sages saw that all were believeing in him, straightway they bound him fast and led him before Helene the queen, under whose hand was the land of Israel.
2 They said unto her, This man is a sorcerer, and he decieveth the world.
3 Yeshua answering said, The prophets aforetime prophesied concerning me, and there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and I am he. But concerning them the scripture saith, Blessed is the man that walkent not in the counsel of the ungodly.
4 She said unto them, Is it in your law, whathe says?
5 They say, It is in our law, but it was not spoken concerning him: for it is written , And that prophet which shall presume to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. And you shalt put away the evil from among you.
6 But the Messiah whom we expect, with are other signs, and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth. But with this mamtzer the signs are not present.
7 Yeshua said unto her, Lady, I am he, and I revive the dead.
8 She sent for faithful men bringing with them a dead body. He spoke the letters and the dead revived.
9 In that hour the queen trembled, and siad, It is a great sign.
10 She rebuked the sage, and they went forth from the her presence shamefaced, and they were sore distressed.
11 The insurgents increased and were with him, and there was a great schism in Israel..
12 Yeshua went forth to Upper Galilee. And the sages assembled and came before the queen, and siad unto her, Lady, he practiseth sorcery and therewith he leadeth the world astray.
13 Therefore she sent horsemen on his account, and they found him as he was misleading the men of Upper Galilee, and saying to them, I am the son of God of whom it is written in yourlaw.


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