The Earth Shall be filled!
Yahuah says through his prophet: The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Yahuah as the waters cover the sea. It doesn't say just the glory of Yahuah, for that it is already. The whole earth is full of his glory, but the knowledge of the glory. People, all people, are going to be surrounded by the knowledge of the glory of Yahuah, and all will know his name and honor him in his son and by his name. Mark my words! "This is the work of God", says the the Lord Jesus Christ, "to believe in the one who h sent". Our work is to believe in Jesus, to believe in the one who come in the name Yahuah. If we believe in him and honor his name we will see that the future belongs to the Spirit filled Church! Be Faith to Believeing on Jesus!
Labels: earth, glory, God, hope, Jehovah, Jesus, Lord, one God, salvation, truth, Yahweh